Monday, October 13, 2008

The Future Earth

In my dream I stood in a little girl's bedroom window lined with pink ruffles.  From the window I looked out onto a dark night and a wooded park.  A woman and the girl who occupied the room came in and spoke to me.  They handed me something that allowed me to fly.  I stepped out onto the window ledge and jumped.  I flapped my arms, which made me go faster and higher.  Once I got the hang of flying I took off, soaring and speeding through the night.  I flew into outerspace and through time.  I approached a planet Earth in the distant future.  I watched it change as I circled it.  It changed from a lush green and blue sphere to a clear orb containing nothing but machinery.  I watched as the biosphere collapsed and became nothing but metal technology.  A sinking feeling came to me: We destroyed Earth.  We used up everything good it had and replaced it with ugliness and metal.  I flew home as fast as I could.  The woman and the girl were waiting for me.  I told them what I saw.  They said I had seen 180 years into the future, but that no future was set in stone.  They said because I circled the orb and saw the future, that I had sealed the fate of the planet.  They said the only way to stop the destruction from happening was if I was to fly back there and make a reverse course of circle rotations around the earth.  I had to circle the same number of times I had circled when I first visited, except backwards.  They said only then would the future still be open for change.  So I did it.  I flew all the way back to Earth's future and I reversed my course.  I had to save Earth.  I had to make sure it had a chance of surviving.  A chance for us to stop our destruction.