Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sidewalk Birds

It was a long sidewalk in a town on a brisk autumn afternoon. The sidewalk led me to the edge of town where an epic field of wheat danced in the breeze. There were many birds in the sky and I knew them all. The Golden Eagle and Bald Eagle soaring together caught my eye and distracted me from walking. I stood still and watched them fly. When I turned my attention back to the sidewalk a gigantic Great Horned Owl approached me. It was hooting and flapping its wings, it was beautiful. Suddenly, however, it morphed into a scrappy drunk hobo who staggered belligerently and collapsed at the base of a sycamore tree. Utterly confused, I turned around to find another Great Horned Owl in front of me, only this time it was real and perched elegantly on a tree branch.