Monday, April 14, 2008

The Many Levels of High

The dream took place in a swampy small town that had once sustained poor miners, but had been gentrified and now housed rich people looking for a "small town feeling" where real estate was cheap. Down a dark street lined with brick houses and dimly lit pubs, there was a door. It lead to a gigantic underground super-Potterybarn store that my friends and family ran. Above the store was a large flat that me and friends occupied and controlled. We had just recently let a room to a foreign exchange student dude who made yummy food a lot. Upstairs from that was a four-story home that belonged to my godmother Polly and her hubby Steve. The first level had once been a dumpy cellar but was converted to a posh TV room with shag carpet, a fireplace, a bar, and a flat screen TV. It was dark, but cozy and kind of retro with wood panelling and mood lighting. Upstairs from that was their main living area with a gigantic white diagonally-placed kitchen. It was bright and airy with large windows. Right next to the kitchen was a guest room that was open, only private by one stone wall. It too had shag carpet and a flat screen TV. The room had floor to ceiling windows that overlooked a hillside and a waterfall/river that the Muni train rode past a few times a day. There were wild chickens roaming around outside, and many pretty trees. The top level was where they slept and it was painted a really bright blue and it reminded me of a sailboat, but a computerized sailboat. Steve came home from work while I was there and he was dressed like a hippie, but not a real hippie; he was dressed like how someone would dress as a hippie for Halloween with a blond long-haired wig and bellbottoms and a tie-dye shirt. They were having a party that night--well actually, the whole building was having a party, but it would naturally concentrate at their pad because it was so cool looking. People arrived and were eating and talking. All levels of the compound had people in them, and the many escalators and stairs that moved between levels were activated and I used them quite frequently. At one point I realized that all the "kids" were around, but the "adults" had gone away. I went looking for them. There were no where conspicuous. There was a door and I opened it. There was a staircase that led to a hidden sub-level of the house. It led to a dark, wood-panelled room that looked like an attic that you'd see in a log cabin. On the shag carpet sat all of the adults smoking a joint. My mom was up there getting high and it was so weird to see all these old people doing drugs. I left and chuckled to myself. My professor-boss showed up and I told him if he wanted to get high all the adults were upstairs smoking joints. He looked at me with red eyes and told me he was already high. Tripped out by it all I went into the guest room and turned on the heart-shaped hot tub and had a soak. Such a weird place, I thought.

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