Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rated G, for Giraffe

Downtown there were all these large animals on the loose. Tigers, Leopards, Elephants, Hippos, from a zoo nearby. Everyone was trying to help the officials to locate and nab them. They were close to catching them all when we spotted a Tiger. It approached me and at first I was comfortable with it being so close, but then a pang of fear came over me and it swatted. It's as though it could sense my fear and was messing with me. The officials came and took the Tiger, laughing at me for being scared because they said that she was the sweetest Tiger ever. Oh well. Later we were at a museum/airport type place and we saw a Giraffe that had managed to escape being caught. It was in a greenhouse/atrium type enclosure and it was trying to connect with other Giraffes outside of the enclosure who had been killed and stuffed. It was kind of sad actually. But I was able to alert the officials to his whereabouts and they all came. I was hoping they would take it someplace where there'd be other Giraffes. I began being friendly with the beast and it was actually very affectionate. They were all surprised, but pleased. Suddenly the Giraffe turned into a really tall man, handsome and from another country. He knew more English that we thought, and just sorta walked away from the whole scene. It was cool.

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