Monday, March 31, 2008

Sister Clones/ When Paper Hearts Attack

Well this was a strange set of dreams, indeed. It's a two-parter:

Part One:
I was part of an experiment that had to do with cloning. There were 5 main women from which many sets of of clones were being made. I was part of "Woman 3" and her set of genes. I lived in a section of a warehouse for all of the 3's. There were aisles with bunkbed compartments where you and your sister clone would live together. Each pair of sister's had slightly differing alleles, meaning that each set was slightly different in their personalities. Some of the 3's were totally uptight snobs who were so mechanical and lifeless. Me and my sister clone, on the otherhand, were rebels. Somehow we became aware of the operation and wanted out. We still had to pretend that we were stupid and oblivious, and go along with the norms. But, secretly we were plotting our escape. We knew that students would come in to these stadium seating rooms next to our bunks and observe us, so there must be a way out. My sis and I busted out and were free. We ran and ran and ran, taking on different identities and sneaking in disguise. We were out in a mall-like lobby, taking in all of the different types of people and behaviors, when we were apprehended. Oh well.

Part Two:
I worked in an office. It was the day of a big office party. People were not up to their usual routines, so the office was a bit disheveled. The building was shaped like a square around an empty shaft in the middle, so you could see across it into the other side of the office. You could also see the glass elevator that ascended up the empty middle area onto each floor. I was caught up in watching a woman in the elevator approach my floor, when suddenly some strange stuff happened to her. While she was adjusting her nylons and heels, a little magenta circle of paper flew into the elevator and landed on the floor. As she straightened herself out, the magenta circle split apart into thousands of magenta hearts. The bits were jagged and flurried and buzzing chaotically. She was waving at the swarm and swatting at them furiously. When she got off the elevator finally, the entire floor that we were on was cleared of all workers. Somehow that swarm of magenta hearts had represented all of our co-workers, and they were now dead and gone to someplace else. It was a total shock and really weird. Me, Trevor, her, and other person met up because we were the only ones left. I told her what I had seen. We agreed we should get out of that office. We went through a secret passage in the wall and headed through a series of tunnels to Point Reyes where we would be near the ocean and warm and away from the dark depressing office scene. We emerged in a town right before Point Reyes. There were people everywhere looking happy and peaceful, and the ocean was very refreshing. Trevor and I held hands and began to run. He's bigger than me, yes, but somehow he had these crazy powers that allowed him to leap over huge rocks and bushes and fountains. So, really, we were making speed. I just held on and we were going places real quick. We stopped as soon as we got to Point Reyes. There were little restaurants and places to sit that looked familiar. We sat at a table and relaxed. Suddenly my sister and my nephew were there with us. My nephew was sitting in my lap and was talking about crayons. I fed him bits of beans and carrots, and we were all very content. Then I woke up.

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