Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Roadtrip Museum Led to Nazi Escape

I started out on a roadtrip. I was a guy, there were two of us. We resembled "Eric and Kelso" from That 70's Show. We stopped at a cafe and these two waitresses were really sweet, cute, uneducated, and chatty. They made us french toast sandwiches. We all got along really well. They seemed to hate their lives in this hick town and were much to classy for it. We took off and the girls ran out of the cafe and said they were coming with us. They looked like my friend Amber and this girl Hillary who I have a class with. They were so happy to be ditching their old lives and starting a new adventure. While in our van, Hillary told us she had had a child when she was 9 years old and was pregnant again. It was a shocker. I told Hillary that someday her life would settle down and become amazing. I told her that she was in my class at SFSU. It was weird because my actual life was paralleling this dream world and acting as a psychic tool for this girl. We were headed to St. Louis where I was gifted an old run-down museum. It was huge and amazing, but kind of daunting to think of what I would do with it and how I would pay for the renovations that would need to be done. I decided to give it to Hillary as a gift under the pretense that she turn it into a gallery/studio space and have rad events there. She was in. The only thing was that I wanted two rooms for my own. One of them was an old English room with stained glass windows and a library wall, the other was a congressional looking room. Suddenly, as I strolled outside the museum, it turned into the State Capital building. And I really wanted to turn the Congress room into a venue. We went inside the building to find it completely empty and eerily silent. As we headed towards the Congress room a mad scientist guy ran after us. We asked him what was going on and he said that he and some other resident scientists had had an experiement go badly wrong and everyone disappeared. It was true, there were backpacks and cups of coffee laying around like people were just there. We walked into the Congress room and took in the emptiness. Suddenly I heard some muffled voices. In a closed room there were people meeting. Then people in the giant room began to reappear. We tried to talk to them but they could barely see or hear us. We spread out and tried to communicate to everyone in the room and it was the same thing no matter what we did. Then a big fat mean guy showed up claiming to be the person in charge. He was taking over the Capital and was going to either kill you or spare you. He instructed everyone to line up. Me and some other people took off and ran down a creepy underground passage that the scientist showed us. I was an escapee! At the end of the tunnel, and past the labratories, I saw a massive room with tons of people headed in one direction. Apparently the Capital had a train station and was filled with Nazis and people who had been spared. The Nazi's were looking for the escapees (me) and so I had to move quick. I saw Trevor and felt thrilled. I had to get to him, so I ran and tried to blend in with others. But apparently I wasn't wearing the right thing and I got caught without a "ticket." Trevor had one but he had been spared. The woman asked me if I could play guitar. Confused by the question, I told her no but I could play piano. Her face lit up and she had me play a duet with a Nazi woman. I did pretty good I guess, played an Erik Satie song with her and emphasized harmonies. She was so impressed that she gave me a ticket in exchange for the promise that I would come back and play music with the woman for the Nazis. I said yes but knew that there was no way I was ever going back there. Trevor and I hugged and were so happy to be finally on our way home where we could be together in peace. We got our train tickets, hopped on board, and couldn't have been happier.

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