Friday, March 28, 2008

Wacky Biblical Lore

Last night I was in a history class. We were talking about biblical lore. Suddenly I was seeing the story in real time. There was an old man with his wife out in an ice field, far away from civilization. He found a large ice rock and blew it into the mountains. This caused a gigantic ice storm that wiped out his wife entirely. As she was taken out, he saw a figure in the storm. He couldn't quite make it out, but its image haunted him. He was devastated and stricken by guilt of his wife's passing. He felt doomed to wander the ice fields forever until he died. It had been a month and the poor old man was still alive, even though he wished he were dead. He was torn and frozen and could barely stand up, but he pressed on. When he felt he could take no more, a beautiful woman approached him out of thin air. She took his hand and lead him further. They entered between two large white gates and began trekking through a dark tunnel that smelled sweet. His eyes were stunned when the tunnel opened out into a large green city in the clouds. She guided him through perfect gardens and peach colored sandy paths. There were children playing, teenagers hanging out smoking cigarettes and talking, women and men cooking in a kitchen, animals frolicking, and the brightest warmest sun he had ever felt. He felt dry, soothed, and completely relieved. But still, she guided him on. They entered a room where Hindus were meditating with pink religious shawls around their necks. She donned one, and wrapped one around him as well. They sat in Lotus style in the dimly lit room and meditated for a while. He was feeling like a totally different person, and the guilt that had weighed heavy on him seemed to disappear. Suddenly a door opened up and light shone through. There was a cloud pathway that was lined with men in white robes, surrounded by a golden arch. An old being walked through the path and called out to the man who had seen a figure more than once. The man knew he was referring to him. He rose and spoke up. The old being seemed delighted that it was he who he addressed. The old being grabbed the old man's arm and walked with him. The crowd seemed excited about the old man being there and the old man felt empowered in some way. The two walked, talked, and everything seemed to make sense. Then I woke up.

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