Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Whales

Last night I was given two large whales. One was a Gray Whale and the other was a Humpback. They swam in long containers, far to small for their size. The Humpback was pregnant. I had a marine biologist friend who knew all about whales. He knew how to help her give birth in captivity. She was actually a really sweet whale; she would raise her head out of the water and let you touch her. And when she was ready to give birth she let out a little noise so that you knew it was time. My friend told me she'd have 10 babies, but somehow only three came. And when she gave birth, a gigantic population of baby lizards and geckos arrived as well. We kept them in box until we could give them to someone who could care for them. We had a bunch of people who were in the marine biology field come by and be interviewed. We wanted to make sure they were all going to the right homes, especially the whales. The panel was stiff though, and asked too many questions. They were even questioning my friend's knowledge of whales and how to help them give birth! I was shocked that people weren't being cooler. Regardless, one guy agreed to put one of the whale calves in a zoo where he had a really great habitat set up. And the woman who had been asking all the questions decided she'd take all the lizards and geckos. That was a relief since the whole interview they had been escaping from their boxes and crawling all over the place. They were so fast and sneaky! Mao the cat was there and she killed one of them, but all the others survived and were whisked away by the questiony woman. After everyone left, we were still left with our mama-whale whom I called Bessy, her two babies, and the Gray Whale. We decided that the best thing to do would be to bring them to the ocean and let them go into their natural habitat. Bessy could sense that that's what we were planning and became very excited. Even my pet dogs were excited for them! We gave Bessy and rub on her nose and started planning for her and her babies' release...

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