Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Green Apple Baby in the Tropical Closet

Dreamt that trevor and i lived in an old antique house on a tropical island. there was a huge walk-in closet right next to our bedroom on the second floor. i loved getting it all set up and organized. I even added furniture so that it could double as a sitting/relaxation room. at one point dolly parton was there and she was helping me arrange the furniture. and then another woman was there because she wanted to buy an antique school desk that i had. i felt weird about it because i was sure it was worth more than she was paying me. her boss popped in and said he had purchased a school for a bargain price and needed desks. i agreed to sell it for cheap then. plus, i still had another desk that i had kept that was even older than that one. at one point it seemed that maybe i had too much furniture, but Dolly helped me sort that out. there was a window inside it that brought soft light. suddenly i was pregnant and started to give birth. it was a hard labor. i had a dula present, although i could not see her. i was looking at myself as an outsider, maybe even as the dula. oddly enough, i gave birth to three green apples. inside of one apple was a baby that was prematurely developed. the apple, of course was suddenly a lot bigger than a normal one. i thought the baby was dead. but then trevor pulled it out and started touching it's face. it's eyes opened. it was a girl. we decided to nurse it back to health. and it worked! she was the sweetest, cutest thing ever. i went to the store to buy her diapers and a ergo carrier. while i was there my sister and mother showed up. they loved the baby. we all sat down on a couch and started taking family photos. my little girl was the sweetest thing ever. i kept kissing her head and touching her hair. she was developing fast and was already making sounds like she wanted to talk. i felt very happy to be a mother.

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