Friday, February 29, 2008

Choose Water Better Than Reality TV

Dozing for a nap, I dreamt I moved to an apartment where my friend melanie lived.It was a reality show where you had to stay in the house and follow their rules for a month. If you stayed, you would get $2.00 and free rent at your residence for a year.
It was horrible.
There were cameras everywhere and you weren't allowed to say anything "bad" about being there on the show. There was this mean woman who worked for the network that would come by and be all strict and controlly every few hours. I didn't care for her meddling. There was a line of different bottled waters on a shelf that were the sponsors' products. I liked a kind called "choose." It was a sparkling mineral water and pretty tasty. I hated it there though. Everything was decorated white and moderny. You could only have so many items that you could bring there and buy while on the show. Everything had a point system too. Like certain items were worth a certain amount of "points" that would all add up to your limit.
The group competing was pretty boring.
We just sat around. They hardly talked. It must have been lame to be watching the show. I didn't like being bored. I was trying to think of things to do for better ratings. I started making up games and projects to do, but every time it would start getting good the mean lady would interrupt. The first day was so horrible that I decided that I would leave. The $2.00 and free rent wasn't that important compared to my happiness. I just hated being confined to that house!
We all went to some convenience store for the show--some project or competition or some lame reality thingy. It was near a church that had beautiful operas and amazing architecture and huge statues of wiccan goddesses and saints. The city was old, cold, and built of many stones and plants. It was strange to be in such a beautiful city yet stuck on an ugly show. I was determined to fly the coop.
We were all given 2 points worth to spend at the store while there. Since I was "new" on the show, I had tons of points still. I got a "choose" water and a fig newton bar. I don't usually like
fig bars, but for some reason it sounded pretty good and healthy.
Then I told my friend I was outta there.
I took off out the front door and didn't look back.
I had a whole city to explore!

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