Saturday, February 23, 2008

Penguin Afterlife

i was deceased
well not really
but was allowed to follow the deceased
we were headed towards a place like harlem
where all the houses were like rows of doors
up little steps
narrow and squished
but it had been overrun
by gardens and nature
at house number 1250
at the old woman's house
who never woke up
nor left her bedroom where her tv droned quietly
flickering on her comotose face
that was were the portal was
the portal to the after life
the only place where a person like me,
alive, could enter
i was with a male and a female transient being
upon entering the first thing i noticed
was the building that housed the new coming
deceased beings, it was made of metal
all stainless steel interior
billions of stories high i am sure
for each level housed all the deceased
from each species
there was a floor just for humans,
just for aliens, and just for penguins.
this is where i was to go.
there was a giant cold water pool made
specially for them to make them feel more
at home, more alive
it was here i met my destiny in a way.
i called out to it. a him or a her, i am not sure.
but we shall say He for now.
he called back to me in a language i quickly picked up
and mastered, a sort of telepathic whisper.
the penguin leaped out from beneath the pool
and into my arms
time stopped.
it was as if i was at last complete.
all i had ever missed or searched for
was retrieved.
my child, i thought.
my soul, i thought.
my everything of goodness.
this creature made me feel better than
anything i had ever experienced my whole life.
so we sat there
catching up
hugging, cuddling, dancing.
smiling and just feeling the goodness.
everything was wonderful.
but i knew i could not stay.
for i was not deceased.
it was not my place.
and oddly it was not the penguins place either,
but somehow it was just okay to find him there.
i returned several times.
always calling out to him
and feeling totally elated once he was in my arms.
my child, my dearest creature.
upon the last time i remember visiting the penguin
the three of us entered the old woman's house
as we were in her old creaky living room,
she stirred. she awoke.
and we froze in our positions.
what if she saw us??
but she couldn't, for we were dead... but i wasn't,
only masked by the power of the beings i was with.
i held a watering can, and as she crept into the room,
i gently let it down.
she saw it move.
she stood, as if at a seyonce, and called out to us
that she knew beings were here
and she could feel us
and what did we want
the male quickly threw up a big blue glowing square
that he called the blue tooth
it was the regular portal into the after life
we jumped in
this was not the portal that allowed non deceased in
this was the usual portal for all new coming souls.
the two beings made a distraction
so the guards that stood solid by the gates that resembled
a subway terminal, could be distracted
i crept past, a silent alarm went off that someone non deceased
was entering, but it was too late, i was in.
i rushed to the penguin floor
and found my darling.
there we were together and swimming in love.
but he grew quiet, almost non tangible.
perhaps moving on to the next plane.
so i left
and i saw all the floors of the afterlife,
particularly interested in the alien floor, for many
strange creatures were gathering there...
who and what the penguin was, i shall never know,
but i will always love him and cherish what we had.

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