Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ugly Girl Gets Free

i had a strange, almost historical dream last night:
there was poverty, war, inequalities, and families being separated from their kin. everything was dirty, murky, and soiled. industry rang loud.
a boat was leaving. a baby was thrown overboard into the filthy river.
a man saw the child and took pity. the boat allowed for him to grasp the baby.
he then raised it. it was a baby girl.

next, the girl was all grown up.
she was ugly and big-boned. my perspective came from hers.
she was imprisoned like many other girls like her.
they were all barefoot boarding a school bus to transport them to a facility.

later, a huge bus was taking more girls to another place.
there were two girls getting married: my girl, and another.
we were allowed to go free because we were getting married.

the rest is a little fuzzy,
these girls were impoverished, malnourished, and not very smart.
their futures looked dim.
but there was hope for my girl.
at least she would be free.
but i am not sure what she would do with her freedom.
she was very unhealthy.

but things can change.

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