Saturday, February 23, 2008

Haunted Kitties

was on a camping trip. it was very cold. our city of tents were insulated. i found four kittens in my tent. they were so small. i put them in my apron pocket. we had some creature attempt to invade our tent, but only because we were in a spot that we weren't supposed to be; next to giant pink flowers with monkeys on them. there was a large house. all the parents were inside. i walked in with my little kittens and people thought they were cute. there was a gray one, white one, tan one, and red one that i called rusty. then we were living in the house, i always had to keep an eye on the kittens and my mao. all these annoying kids lived there, like a punk house, and it was dirty. at some point we had to leave right away because bad people were coming. we had to leave via the fire escape. i had to collect my favorite t-shirts and jeans, and all five of my cats, and get out. trevor and i left that scene and moved far away to the south. we bought a gigantic 20 bedroom mansion that was haunted. the attic was our favorite. it had so much light, wood, and details. there was a small wooden disc that was removed to show the floor beneath us, i quickly found the lid and covered it back up. the other rooms were still furnished and quite spooky; lots of lace, dolls, that kind of thing. the walls were dirty, torn, stained light torquiose green. There was a great hall area with an indoor water pond area. there were many steps that lead to the entrance of the house. we were so excited to have a place of our own. kelly was there and so was lathan, perhaps they could stay with us. all of a sudden people from the old scene started to pull up and visit us. we were upset that they found us. then tons of people started showing up, and vendors selling food and drinks, and all sorts of partygoers showed up. we were so mad and frustrated. while trevor and kelly and lathan were upstairs checking out all the rooms, i was in the main hall yelling at everyone to leave. yelling at them to leave. yelling at them to leave. telling them they were not invited and had to pack up and go home right now. right now. right now. i had to make constant rounds to get people to leave. after awhile, a third of the people were left. i called the cops. they started to help. one asshole guys wouldn't leave. he began swimming in the water area. i was so mad. two girls dressed in victorian gowns shot each other. i knew that the large crowd would eventually lead to violence. finally people began leaving. the cops helped. they tear gassed. haha. it was interesting that as the dream progressed the house became larger and larger, and the crowd became larger and larger too. and by the end of the dream the kittens were no longer an issue.

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