Saturday, February 23, 2008

Magical Serum on Horseback

There were two little girls-- one older than the other, a dog, and a cat. With them I was riding on horseback. The older girl was dying; she was not from this planet and needed a special syrum to survive. We rode to a large mountain upon which a structure stood. I left my caravan at the bottom and ventured upwards. The structure was set up like an ancient Greek gallery where columns stood and fire-lights burned dim and mysterious. There was almost a "quest for the holy grail" vibe in this sanctuary. On the walls were five large paintings, or so, which depicted various heroic scenes. The figures within the painting moved, sort of like Harry Potter paintings. I chose the scene at the far left, beneath which there protruded a tap that resembled a bathtub water nozzle. I turned it and proceeded to fill a bottle with syrum. I had only filled a third of the bottle when a man who emitted a knightly persona told me that I could not have any syrum. I tried to reason with him but he was stubborn. At that point I pushed him down and ran. I quickly scaled down the mountain and gathered my travelling companions onto the horse and we rode away. We rode for a long time. We stopped at a modern house where an asian woman sat with her three kids who immediately wanted to play with my two girls. The woman's husband assured us we were safe and offered to give us a ride to where we needed to go, which would have taken us a half hour. I refused and stood by my horseback transportation. We soon left and rode off into the nightfall of the forest.

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