Saturday, February 23, 2008

Jesus Reincarnate

In my dream last night, I was the daughter of an old rich couple in the late 1950's who lived in a small, planned community. All of the houses were angular, pastels, with large lawns and pools. I met a woman, she turned me into Jesus' reincarnate. I sipped from a blue and golden holy grail goblet and became immoral, magical, and eternal. I stepped out into a large crowd of blue and gold robed holy people and followers who stood in a circle in a gymnasium-type room while I glided around them holding up the grail. I felt like Jesus, I mean I really felt like I contained his soul and his spiritual vision. They all treated me as such. I began silently blessing the people of the neighborhood, while remaining incognito with who I was. My parents fell back in love and were more kind than I had ever remembered. But it was a lot of work, more than I could handle. I felt the weight of the world upon me. And, while it was nice to possess a magical and holy spirit, the cost was far too high. I met with the woman again, in front of a rose-lined sidewalk, and I gave her back the essence which had made me Jesus. I was sad to give up my immortality, but I knew it was the right thing to do. And besides, I had done a lot of good while I had the power, and that felt like it had been enough. And also, deep down, I knew that even though I had technically given up the immortal life, I was still gifted with a blessed life that would outlive many others because I had sipped from the holy grail and healed so many people. So I guess I was still kinda immortal. Then I woke up. Thirsty.

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