Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Ghost and A Wedding

dreamt i was living in another city. a bit futuristic, and i was older. i went to go visit my dad. he was living in a small basement apartment, it was light filled and simple. he was there, in bed. i lied down on the coudh and began asking him how it was that he was there as he had died many years prior. we were talking about how he was there, but not fully there. that he was dead, yes, but his form could exist also. he said he was not the same, but very close. that the afterlife contained the same basic elements, which meant he could go back and forth. he was there, he said he loved me, but he was also distant. it was difficult.

then, i was going to a wedding. i was wearing a magenta pink dress and sunglasses that saw in color. my sister was there wearing a similar dress. it was her wedding. my mom was there, and so was my dad. trevor was there as well. we were all in magenta. i brought the corsages. i pinned one on everyone. white tropical flowers with pink centers. karens had palm leaves too. we all wore sunglasses that could see in color. no one wanted the leftover pair i had that saw only in black and white. we had a large dinner then went to the hall. aparently the wedding was not for karen and emil. they had been separated and she was marrying some other man. i held the baby. emil took the mic and went on a tyrade about how hurt he was. karen stopped him and her fiance took the mic and claimed that it was his wedding and he was not going to let emil ruin it. the wedding proceeded. i was having fun holding orion and tried to make him smile.

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