Saturday, February 23, 2008

Medieval Storm

we were in some dark medieval city
dark with no street lamps
no fires or pillars of candlelight
except a vicious storm
wailing and pounding sky
drenching us with rain
we were being chased
by strange gargoyles and magicians
flying in the air
lurking in strange corners
we hid behind a statue for a moment
before being pelted by a flock of arrows
and sticks with feathers on the tips
ready to strike us with venom
we ran
we ran as fast as we could
somehow knowing where we were going
to the church
to the sanctuary of the nuns and priests
and others alike
we were alike
they would give us refuge
their walls were impenetrable
literally so strong that
not even an atomic bomb could blast
through those walls
a shrouded man answered the door
which towered over us at least 20 feet tall
dark rusted iron
he let us in
we filed into an alcove
marked off by curtains
we were like orphans
cots and a long table facing a television
books to read and playing cards
and safety
i stood in the threshold
the building was massive
along the super thick stone walls
were panels that resembled
the entry door: extremely large
and rusted iron
the immense hallway of sorts
ran at least a mile down
upon reaching the end who knows
what else followed
it was as if an entire colony could exist here
withstanding whatever chaos thrived outside
the building wore armor
rusty tall thick dark armor
yet held elegantly vaulted stone ceilings
that gave one a sense of comfort
speaking of comfort i retreated to the alcove
where others had made themselves comfortable
there was a soft table in the corner
surrounded by curtains
a woman, about my age, sat upon it
she was about to be examined
by a man who was an expert
doctor of female anatomy
she was getting examined
while i stood living vicariously through her
he realized what was going on and
at once i was replaced on the table
i lied there
in my dressing gown
covered by a simple sheet
and the curtains were being rustled
people unaware that there was
an examination going on were brushing past
curtains clinging to their fabrics
i felt naked and humiliated
but worse i just wanted to know if i was okay
something was wrong
something about my insides
but what was it
he said i was dry
it was to cause complications
for what i wondered
shortly answered it was a pregnancy
i needed mucus to have a healthy pregnancy
the curtain kept on moving
fellow refugees could see me
and my genitals
so i ordered the curtain be shut once again
it was shut
and this time
i was wet
like a fountain
the examiner seemed quite pleased

and then i woke up.

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