Saturday, February 23, 2008

Train to Big Brains New Body

I was at my childhood house where my sister was showing me a "lost kitten" poster she had seen that day. On it was a photo of a black cat named "Kitty Talk" but who also responded to "Milo." I intuitively opened the front door and the black cat stood peering up at me. I took it into my arms and brought it inside. As soon as it entered an old lamp appeared. It was undoubtedly haunted as whenever we asked the cat where his master was the lamp light would flicker on and off. Somehow we knew that Kitty Talk belonged to an old, thin asian man with a gigantic head. We hopped on a wildly fast train to find the man. For a brief moment the trained stopped in a forest where we climbed about an old wood stucture. The cat was racing around and we were absorbing information about the asian man. He had been a scientist involved in a conspiracy. Something about power, chemicals, trains, and tanks. The train continued and soon we approached a tunnel where the train broke down and was stopped. We got off and found a large, rusty white tank laying across the tracks. This is what the asian man had been working on. And, somehow the scientists had found a way to make the whole scene invisible--except to us because we had the cat. We came to find out by a few scientists who were still there that the man had died, but not really. His brain was alive (hence the gigantic head) but the body was only temporary. We decided to build him a new body. We all took-on different parts of the body. My sister was working on his esophogus, another woman working on his intestines, another screwing the new heart onto the aorta, and so on. While this was all being done, my job was to keep the blood pumping. I would push down upon the heart and then immediately push down upon the abdomne; this ensured proper blood flow into the new body. As the heart pumping continued, we realized it was about time for the brain to go in. The cat was nearby and the asian man was approaching. And then I woke up...

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