Saturday, February 23, 2008

Planetary Tadpole

I dreamt last night that I traveled to another planet. While there I found a little blue tadpole in the water. I took it home with me to Earth in a glass jar filled with water. It was my little secret. It grew. Then grew and grew and grew and pretty soon it was almost as large as a Blue Whale! It had a head like a Hippo but the body of a white, spotted whale. It was fierce, but so sweet and loving to me--it would let me scratch its chin and it loved me so much...I was like it's mama. Later in the dream there was a vegetable garden being tended by me, my mom, and Butters from Southpark; a Cost Plus candle/bowl aisle; an intelligence contest where I (as Hermione Granger) had to define Skull and Crossbones, Christopher Lloyd (who leaked the answer to me and who then begun conducting labratory experiments.) It was a wild night.

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