Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mafia VS Mormon

Dreamt last night that my family was in the mafia. My husband and I were deeply involved and could not get out of it without terrible results. The only way to get excused from the mafia was to become a devout Mormon. So I began scheming. The head-guy's son was a Mormon. He hung around the lair, but was not part of the mafia. I hooked up with him and told him I was curious about God and was considering becoming a Mormon. He was elated. He began teaching me, testing me, and showing me the way of the Mormon--which was somehow similar to Hinduism? Strange. He gave me a sister-Mormon to be my buddy. We always had to enter our worship room with bare feet. Then we had to do prayers and movements on a special rug. All the while I was faking it. But they believed me. My husband announced to the Boss that I was a Mormon. And soon he would be too. Thus began our escape from the mafia.

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