Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Grocery Farm and Stevie Nicks

I worked in an open-air grocery store that had a giant garden the size of a farm with rows upon rows of different types of plants and flowers. Some plants were in pots, some in the soil, and some were separated into small indoor greenhouses. There were a lot of workers on the grocery farm, and I worked with my uncle Jerry watering all the plants. It was my first day on that job, but I had had so much experience with plants that people were really excited to have me and trusted my work. I basically just constantly alternated between filling up watering cans and scouting out new areas where plants were dry as a bone, thus quenching their thirst. There were tons of strange exotic plants I had never seen before, and plenty of old favorites. It was very satisfying to know that every single plant on the grocery-farm was watered. During the day I had realized it was a Saturday and I wasn't required to be there that day, but I didn't care because I liked the work so much. Towards the end of the dream I was over in the vegetable/cacti/bonsai/strange unidentifiable plant area. While I watered those I overheard some old farmers talking about how I kicked ass at my work. That made me feel good. At the edges of the farm there was this quaint little country road where a cottage sat nestled next to a giant tree that had autumn leaves all about it. There were a lot of people going in and out of the cottage and I found out that it was a Pot Club. And then across the way, beyond the farm, there was a big crowd of people waiting to hear a concert that had been put off, rescheduled, put off again, and rescheduled for the afternoon. It was Fleetwood Mac that was to play, and Stevie Nicks had been flaking a lot. Then all of a sudden I walked over there; there were all these booths set up--some were advice booths, some were selling stuff like tamales and jewelry. All of a sudden I was Stevie Nicks and I had finally arrived to perform my songs. There weren't very many people left in the crowd because they had all grown impatient. But there were some, and they cheered when I took to the microphone. I apologized for all the craziness, and then started to sing. I sang their favorite song first... although I can't remember what it was. I sang all of her songs, even old forgotten songs like "Landslide." In the middle of the set I was greeted by one of Stevie Nicks' old boyfriends. He was all old and scruffy, but their love was still strong. We french-kissed and decided to get back together. His new girlfriend wasn't too pleased, but we didn't care. He dropped a music-sheet with a love poem on it, and I knew we'd be happy together and we'd get our life back together. Then I finished singing and people cheered. It was a good day.

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