Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mud Monsters and Celebrities Eat Pasta

i was in another city-- cold and perhaps in the scandinavian countries. there were deep mountains and forests. or was it summer? it was at least overcast and thick aired. there was a hotel. i had to get to it. there were large golem-like mud monsters out there, and especially Inside of the hotel where my people were. I got in. There was some pandemonium. The monsters spotted me and were chasing me. There weren't scaly and ugly, rather smooth, angular, round, almost like sculptures with big round black puppy eyes. But they were frightening and ruthless. They were also not that smart, but could sense where I was. I ran into a large large warehouse size library. It was like a maze in there so I thought I could lose them. I hid ontop of a book shelf. It found me and tried to knock it down. I got off it and ran through the book maze. I guess I finally lost them.
Because I went upstairs to find that I was having sex talks with Samantha of Sex and the City. We were getting along great. There was this young man, really really sexy. I think we messed around, but I don't remember. Me and Samantha were almost one person. Then she had to go Act. I was on the set, behind the scenes. I was then hanging out with Charlotte. We were the best of friends. Laughing, watching her put on her makeup at her vanity in her dressing room. Were we friends or was I there because I won some contest to hang out with them for a day? Unsure. Then I was with Carrie. She asked my opinion about a hat. I chose one that she didn't like as much. The stylist agreed with Me. We all walked out to where they were shooting. It was in a subway. Steps lead downstairs to the platform. I wasn't allowed down. But she went, wearing the hat I had picked. I caught a glimpse of myself-- I looked horrible. I was back to the short brown hair, no make-up, weird outfit. I felt suddenly not so close to those celebrities.
I was next in the wilderness. With a group of people, on an island. We had to hike to a secret town called Kulapa or something similar. We tried to hike there, but couldn't find it. But then I was with a different group of people and we tried again. Once we found the trail head, we were in a canopy of trees in the middle of the island. It was cut and clear. There were a dozen of trails stemming off of one trail-- the trail that lead to Kulapa. We took it with confidence. It said to take it for 1 mile. We did. It ended at a clearing that looked like we were in the country side. Sylvia was there, doing my tiny little roots blonde again. There was food, people talking, little structures here and there. And I think at some point I saw a cable car go by. We had perhaps taken a long route to a supposed "secret" spot that was perhaps closer to our lives than we thought. Not so secret. But perhaps overlooked?
Then I was at dinner with a woman. She was an unhappily married woman. We were discussing new ways of sewing my bags so that the sides wouldn't fray. I had dark tiny-floral patterned fabrics. We were ordering. We sipped lemonade while our food was getting cooked. We changed tables to seat her husband and another younger woman. It was almost Victorian times, yet not because we were ordering italian food and pasta from a restaurant. I had bread, garlic bread, pasta pomodoro with no meat because the only meat they had was in a can and beef! And I think I ordered a small salad and a dessert. The younger woman next to me was paying for it. I felt overwhelmed by food and couldn't chew it all fast enough. Then older unhappy woman was getting mad at me because me and her husband got along better than they did. He was helping me with my sewing. I had a handful of sewing pins and was pinning the sides of the future bag pattern. It was almost as big as the table! He was enthusiastic. The woman left. Food was coming out soon. I was still chewing the appetizer bread. I was almost too fed with food.

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