Monday, March 10, 2008

Half Creepy House/ Half Super Powers

In the first scene, I was best friends with Christian Siriano (winner of project runway 4).
We talked on the phone a lot and I loved that he was so sassy and into fashion and hair and stuff. Me, him, Trevor, and a few other people traveled to an old house in Monterey that was the home of a very famous family that had suffered a tragic fate. It had been a family that held slaves which were contained in their own quarters. The house was old, dingy, dark, creaky, chipped, and eerie. The slaves had been shot in their courtyard and you could see the bullet holes along the walls. It was terrible. My mother was there. She felt the holes before we continued into the house. Every room was dark. The house had been abandoned in the 1800s and everything was left exactly as it was the day the family vacated. There were old dishes, dolls, floral arrangements, altars, furniture, candles, and so on. It was like a family of dark witches had lived there with the amount of dark energy and dark materials there were. Oddly enough, one family acquaintance still lived there. I am not entirely sure, but I think it was Whoopi Goldberg. Strange, I know. But anyway, she was a being of light--meaning that she could live in house without being affected by its darkness. She had a glowing aura and was a Buddhist. Her area was like a totally different house. Through the hallway was a large open room where she lived. There was a white shag carpet, white glowing walls, sheer drapes of peach and pink, and big comfy floor pillows that faced a crackling and glowing fireplace. She was a yoga teached and a healer. Some people came to her for retreats, though it seemed strange to me since she was the caretaker of such a creepy house.
Me and my gang moved to yet another area of the house, a wood room that was dark and cramped. It was here that we were told we had special powers that needed to be nurtured and developed. We begun our training. First we were told to bend backwards and use our abs and mind to magically bounce forward. I got that one down pretty good, so did Christian and Trevor. But then he wanted us to leap insanely high and do spins and learn how to manipulate objects from a distance and do all sorts of crazy things. I didn't quite get the hang of it and I quit learning from the guy. I stepped outside for a breather when I saw a Cyclops bad guy charging the mansion. Trevor was outside too. I hollared at him to stop the beast, but then I didn't want him to get hurt so I told him to stop. The Cyclops had a red sparkly ball that I assumed was a weapon. I used my powers to nab the ball from across the parking lot and stopped him from hurting anyone. I met up with Trevor and we couldn't stop hugging and kissing. That was nice. But, when I went back inside, there were all these voices in my head whispering. It was really creepy. The trainer guy asked me what was going on. When I told him he said it was because I used my powers without being ready and thus I was feeling the evil spirits in the house and the effects of using powers when not in control of them. That was a bummer to learn. Regardless, that guy was still bugging me.
The next scene took place in an old 1800s office building. It was all wood with blue hues. It was falling apart. I guess we sold some sort of goods there, but mostly we used it as a home base for us to practice and use our powers. At some point some guy came in looking for me and for some reason I did not want to be found. I hid in a secret room that we had. I hid in just the right spots so even when he was peeking into the room through crevices and windows he couldn't see me. I hid behind desks, couches, whatever I needed to conceal me. While in hiding, I had time to look closely at the little insects that made webs in the crevices of the room. In one area there was a furry little spider-like bug. In another area there was a Ladybug. The odd thing was that the ladybug was living in a web. And the other thing was that I watched it eat its young. It was kinda weird seeing a ladybug eat its tiny little red babies. I am not sure why it was doing that, but it was kinda disturbing. The guy was still lurking around the office space, buying stuff from our store while he was there. I snuck out of the room and pretended like I was just getting home. The guy was just leaving so he didn't have to time to talk to me about whatever it was that he wanted to talk to me about. I was glad I avoided that. Then it was just me, Christian, and Trevor practicing our moves. And I woke up with a stomach ache.

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