Sunday, May 25, 2008

Splat Mongolian Bus

Last night I dreamed that I was going to meet my professor at his art/research studio after class. It was a really crappy building in a very European part of town; large ornate buildings with wrought iron fences and large cobblestone piazzas. On the first floor, some weird slutty artsy redhead girl stopped me and was trying to hit on me. As I tried to get past her she was clinging on me and being really annoying. I was able to get past her and run upstairs to work on the project that me, the professor, and another student were working on. I went down a flight of stairs to get something and that weird redhead had come up and was all over me. I was pushing her, but somehow she was able to take off all of my clothes. I told her to back off and I ran upstairs. I peeked around the corner and asked my professor and the girl if they had any extra clothes cause that girl took all mine. He said he had some hospital scubs I could wear. It was embarassing, but not really cause it's not like I had planned it. Later on, that girl came up into our studio (uninvited) and was being really weird. We all told her to go away. She was wearing a long green velvet dress. Suddenly she jumped out the window and went soaring across the courtyard. About 10 seconds later we heard "splat!" and she had hit the ground, exploded red. It was pretty disgusting and sudden and sad. That girl was so weird though. Some other girl who knew her came running up the stairs and looked out the window. She said that the girl had been high on meth. Oh well, I thought. She was so tripped-out and annoying. We left and went to a rooftop garden in a building across the way. Trevor was there with us. We were all hanging out and eating, when the girl with us smelled something bad. She went looking with my professor and they discovered that within the greenery were dehydrated bodies of famous historical figures. We concurred that the government must have set it up. While we were talking, a sprinkler went off and a Mongolian warrior hydrated and came after us. We were able to convince him that a big jade stone we happened to have with us was magic. We got him to run after it, and when I held it over the railing he went after it and fell to his splatty second-death. So next I was on a bus to SF. The route was longer than usual and went along green wooded areas in Santa Cruz. I was trying to put my make up on, but the ride was a bit bumpy. Across the aisle sat Devendra Banhart who was putting make-up on too. He was putting eye shadow on his upper lip which I thought was odd. He started talking to me and knew my name. I told him I knew his name too, then I mentioned his new lady, Natalie Portman. We became friends. The bus stopped on a hill in the forest so that the driver could tinker with its engine, so we went for a walk. I told him about my crazy dream (listed above) and we laughed and decided we were meant to be good friends. He said he felt he looked like Frankenstein. I said that Trevor once did too and that all guys think that at least once. We talked about Trevor and how pure-souled he is. Then we sat down and just relaxed with the rest of the bus riders.

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