Friday, May 30, 2008

Kitten Toys and Deli Treats

While napping today I dreamed that I had two toys, which contained kittens. The kittens were arranged in a circle within a clear box. When you pressed a button, the kittens awakened and held up little umbrellas and marched in a circle. After playing with it absent-mindedly for awhile, I realized how terrible the toys were. I started jiggling the box to see if the kittens were alive or dead or robots. They awakened, but only fully when I pressed the button. How could they stay alive like that for so long without food or water? The mystery plagued my mind. I decided I would free them into the park. On my way to do so, I kept on thinking about what weird toys these were and how impossible it was that they could be normal kittens. Almost to the park, I saw Trevor on the street with a giant bag of delicious goodies from a fancy Italian market. He bought all of it to bring to his family. Everything looked so good so we walked to the market so I could get some stuff too. I never got to set the kittens free, but I think it's okay because there was no way those kittens were normal kittens. They would have mated with the park kittens and screwed up their entire gene pool...

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