Sunday, May 25, 2008

Garage of Aliens, Bunnies, and Jesus

Last night I dreamed that I lived in my mom's garage with Trevor. The garage was dingy and smelled of old wood. Our bedding was pristine, which looked very out of place in the space. On this particular night I saw a big spider eating a bug and it freaked me out. I decided that we had to move out. Suddenly the situation changed and mom had two garages attached to each other that could be renovated to form two really great, livable spaces. Trevor began sanding the wood down and finishing them. We decided to move into the house where my old room was. As for the newly renovated garage; one room would be all wood and Trevor would use it for music, the other was turned into a carpetted office for my mom to do her crafts and stuff in. We weren't in the house for too long before we moved back outside into Dad's old art studio in the backyard. It had been renovated years before, so we had very little work to do to make it ready for us. It was a very romantic and minimal space. We had a wooden sculpture hanging above our bed, which really reflected our rustic taste. I uncovered some soil in the floor and planted a garden in the studio. We had flowers and veggies growing, right beside our bed. I loved the idea of it, although there were bunnies that kept eating the flowers. I kicked them out after they ate their third flower plant. Our current neighbor, Mery, brought her little daughter, Sienna, over to our studio. I read her a book by Dr. Seuss. Suddenly I was an alien--a beautiful alien woman--who used her powers to go into my mom's house and make-over all the rooms to be really pretty. The night before there had been a party for Easter that had left everything a mess, so my mom was so happy to see that it was all beautiful again. Because I was an alien, I had to leave. The only way I could stay is if I married Jesus' reincarnate. It was this dude named "Landa" whom I had had a love/hate relationship with. I had figured that marriage with this homie wouldn't work out, so I left the house wearing two of Claire's shawls and red lipstick. I glanced at my old backyward wishing my dad was there to keep it in shape.
My family in the house saw me leave and a little girl chased me down. I told her what was going on and why I had to leave. Landa came running after me and I told him why I was leaving also. He revealed to me that he was the breath of Jesus (even though I already knew who he was). He said he loved me and would marry me. Then we kissed and I stayed.

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