Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blue Aliens Hoorah

I dreamed I went on a shopping trip one day after flying home to the city. My cat was there, following along side. In stores, on the subway, on the street, my cat was in tow. People giggled and smiled at how cute it was. Later in the dream, I worked at a toy store and was closing up shop at night. As I locked the door and pulled the blinds a woman spoke from outside. She said she needed to pick up her dog food she had ordered and had called earlier to confirm. I reluctantly opened the door for her to give her the food. She pulled a gun on me, but I laughed saying that I was gonna quit this job anyway and didn't care whether or not she robbed it. I gave her everything, even encouraging her to take more stuff. I honestly didn't care, I told her. She was actually kind of nice and funny, we got along well and she dropped the gun. Right as we were both about to leave, the front door opened and it was a bunch of blue-skinned aliens! The aliens were mean. They brought with them some other humans they had gathered and we all were dumbed with laser beams. While the aliens partied, we just all kinda sat around like idiots unable to think or go anywhere. One chick was able to get out. I became that girl while she ran away. The whole city block had been dumbed, which freaked her out. The next day I was back to my old self and returned to the store with my boss, telling her all about the damage. When we opened up the store everything was back to normal and perfect, with no signs of aliens. At school, a few of us got together who remembered the aliens. While we were talking about it, a guy walked up and said he had been there too and was given a special alien rock. In reality, it was a tracking device so the aliens knew where to start moving in. Other kids gathered with us and we all started fleeing to the hills cause when they dumbed us we absorbed their master plans and knew the city was about to be infiltrated. I didn't have a bike or a car so I hopped down the road with all the other kids leaving. We had to go through a bunch of mazes and strange wooden buildings and trails to get away, but it was the best shot we had at survival.

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