Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dad and Cape Cod

I dreamed I was in a small city in Oregon, most likely Ashland. I was with my dad, who looked very good and healthy. He had picked me up in his truck and we were headed back to where he lived. It was a small place, but cozy. There were no signs of Barbara, which made me worry that he was lonely. We talked and caught up for a bit before I asked where she was. He said that they talked every few months and that he was going to go visit her for a week soon. I assumed that they had either broken up or agreed to live apart. He was wearing a necklace with a wide pendant and when I asked about it he said it reminded him of when he was taking chemotherapy medications. Speaking of, I told him he looked healthy and great. He said he felt great. I told him that it was great to see him because I hadn't seen him since a few days before he died. He looked sad when I said that. I told him I had cried for years over his death and that it was so good to see him alive and flushed with color. Next thing I knew I was sharing a car ride with three girls, one of which had down syndrome and was huge and was sitting in the front seat with me against my will. It was very odd. I hopped out at the first stop and got into another car with Kelly and Claire. We were determined to go on a roadtrip. The next stop was Cape Cod, a beautiful valley of east-coast houses around a beautiful cove. We drove in and stopped at a fun-plex kind of place. There were life-size bouncy animals you could ride, crazy bumper cars, and all sorts of fun colorful plasticine things. There was a beach nearby too, which I recalled visiting as a child. I went wandering on my own and discovered a gigantic building with a really fun ride inside: hot air balloon simulator! It was a huge open blue room with thick lines webbed across the ceiling. On each line was a hot air balloon which could fit several kids inside the base. The floor was rubber and moved like a wave, so every time you jumped the thing would bounce into the air and surf around. It looked soooo fun to me at the time. So we all went in and tried it out. It wasn't as cool as it looked, but we saw some footage of the ride back in the 70's and it looked way more fun. It was the music that was missing, so we pumped up some tunes and got the party started. A large window looked out onto a park and the ocean, where two giant dinosaurs came stomping by (guys dressed in dinosaur suits). It was awesome. Kelly and Claire decided they would do some errands in town, specifically getting rid of old dvds and buying new ones. For some reason, that was all they cared about in that moment. I thought it was funny. Then I woke up.

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