Tuesday, March 3, 2009

El Paso?

We were on the road in a caravan to Austin, TX. I was driving the old Nissan Maxima that has been long since retired. My sister was with me. Trevor was driving the truck with Brad alongside.  The drive was long and hot, with boring desert landscape that was endless. Occasional fruit stands made things interesting.  Driving was difficult (as it usually is in my dreams), with impairments such as blurry vision, brakes that aren't up to par, or a wandering mind that forgets where it's going. This drive was not as bad as others. It was "long" in theory, but in this experience it was very short. We arrived in El Paso. There was a lovely tree-lined city center and a shopping center that was sure to provide food and drink for us tired drivers. My sister and I cooled off, relaxed, and fed ourselves. Trevor and Brad were almost there. I went for a walk, which turned into the participation of a rollerskating race through the shopping center. I got wind that Trevor and Brad were at the food court eating tacos. So I ran. I ran very fast, as if I still had my skates on, to the food court where I met up with my boys. They were full-bellied and relaxed. And then it was obvious that the trip was planned without planning, for we all had things to do back home in a few days and the trip to El Paso had taken nearly that, and there were several more days to go if we were to get to Austin as planned. So we decided to sit there. No decisions. Just sit and be.

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