Friday, March 13, 2009

Lots o' Hawks

Trevor and I was at a party that was in the penthouse of a tall building in the middle of a very dense, industrial city.  From the veranda, all I could see was rooftop after rooftop, dark night, and the orange white lights of a city at night. It was quiet on the veranda. I could see other rooftop verandas and I liked looking at the sparse potted plants sitting there in stark contrast to the very geometric pattern of the buildings.  I looked up at the sky for a few moments and saw a very large and brightly marked Red-shouldered Hawk soaring across the sky.  It was beautiful and the only sign of life in the quite, rigid city.  It was bright and glowing, beautiful and magical.  Another hawk joined it and the two found a perch in a rooftop niche near a plant.  While they rested, a Red-tailed Hawk and Peregrine Falcon joined them.  They were having their own little party, I suppose.  Trevor was amazed at the sight when I pulled him over to watch at the spectacle.  He decided to walk up to the birds to get a better look.  One hawk was gnawing on a small mammal and I could sense that if Trevor got too close he would be perceived as invading the hawk's space.  As he approached, the hawk squawked and looked upset at him.  He didn't relent, which prompted the bird to nip at his ankle with its gigantic powerful beak.  Trevor quickly got the message and retreated into my arms.  Luckily he wasn't hurt.  We stood together, watching the hawks from a safe distance.  The last thing I saw before I woke up was the falcon perched on a ledge gazing in my direction and looking exquisite.

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