Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mazes and Various Perspectives

Mossy interior of a white-washed warehouse. Lots of cracked windows and chipped paint. It's like a maze with many different turns to take, leading to many different rooms that all resemble various morphs of basements. Some have ratty tapestries, boxes, couches, etc. sitting in them, collecting mildew and cobwebs. I used to live in one of those rooms, apparently, and some of that old stuff used to be what I made home with. In a great room, there are very tall shelves with random artifacts on them. Taxidermy, clothing, small people, books, etc. On the top of a shelf, looking down at all the people scampering about, me and a girl of same age lying on our stomachs talking about the world.  Things were moving fast, falling apart, but innovating.  In another time, there was a library nearby filled with books that people never read. Then something changed and the books became interesting and people started reading them.  The pool in the middle of the library helped, I think. Everything was organized according to subject, and there was another maze walkway that you could follow into various aisles to look at books from a different perspective, usually altitudinal. Lots of people with shorts on. Lots of aimless wanderers and short run-ins with acquaintances, some who really look you in the eye. 

*Sidenote: While my dreams have always been long, vivid, detailed, symbolic, and story-oriented, lately dreams have been: short, sparse, muddy, temporally disorganized, thematically abstract, and centered around the ordinary for the many months now. Also, I am not sure what this means, but lately I have been waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, unable to articulate or recall my intense dreaming experience. To be continued...

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