Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jungle Insanity Starship

I was lost in the woods. I stumbled across a dumpy dwelling. I went through the white trash home with tons of dogs to get to the other side of the jungle. When I went through, I lost my mind, as if I was on acid or something. It clouded my thoughts and disabled me to speak clearly. I ran down a rough dirt road until I found a building that appeared to be a hospital. Turns out it was a Mormon rehab clinic. Whatever, I thought, and checked myself in. It was nice to not be lost in the woods anymore. I shared a room with another girl who was a serious Mormon. While at the rehab clinic, I wasn't allowed anything "sinful." It was okay at first because I was really really out of it and totally insane. I think that whenever I tried to speak only blabber and mumbles came out. I didn't want to stay there for long, just until I was clear again. I found some books in my bag, one of which was about biology, the other was an art book. My roommate freaked out and said they were sinful. She told the nurses on me, so I fled because I couldn't stand the oppression even though I was still a bit fuzzy. I ran through the jungled woods again and was met by a person on a horse who gave me a horse too. We rode for a long time and on a bend in the trail that looked out onto the jungle vally, it said that I was the chosen one for a group of alien beings that have been hovering in the sky waiting for me for centuries. Apparently they controlled earth in a way that no human could ever understand. We rode our horses for a bit longer to a parking lot where we were beamed up to the spaceship. When we got to the space station I was greeted by all sorts of people who wanted to shake my hand, hug me, and welcome me home. You could see the jungle from the ship, inside everything had a pink purple hue. I felt much clearer, yet still a bit confused as to what was going on.

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