Saturday, August 16, 2008

Puppy Power

I was on a journey in a strange land with a large group of people. There was an evil man who was like a living dead mummy kind of guy. He was traveling with us for a bit, and everyone seemed okay with that. Ryan, Claire, and I were special and had unique tasks on this journey. I was chosen to control a group of puppies that were super important and only came around for certain people. They were sacred in the land that we were in. While we were stopped at some old ruins, I held out my hand with power and the puppies showed up. They moved whichever way I moved my hand. I sent them off to an ancient temple to read a prophecy. We could communicate telepathically. As the group was going to go into the forest, a family showed up who had been lost. We accepted them into our convoy of 3 minivans with 6 people in each. Blood oranges were eaten as food and were a treat to come across. I split off with a small group to collect berries that looked like figs. There was a small barn near the berry bushes. Near the barn we found reeds that we could make into a bow. As I peeled a reed, my group was sabatoged by dudes living in the barn that were subjects of an evil dude. I ran and suddenly an evil japanese samauri looking man followed with great speed. I was slapping him with the reed to get past him. I knew he was an incarnation of the evil mummy guy--the evil dude! I focused my energy and suddenly help came and he vanished in a flash of light. I proceeded across a bridge and into a cartoon carebear land where I met up with a puppy. The others had been killed but he survived and told me the prophecy which was hard to understand but basically two humans would marry and they were both the rightful heirs to the land and the evil one must choose a final resting place. Ryan was the one who the evil dude could communicate with and he convinced him to settle in an art hall in the temple. But still, he wanted to battle for some sort of vengence. With the puppy we could fly. We cruised through a forest and came upon the tail end of the evil dude's army of japanese soldiers and spirits. They saw us and flew ahead in a flash of green light. We could see the soldiers flying, glowing in blue-green. We skipped around various trails until the puppy and I hopped on a tiny cartoon airplane that dropped us off on a hillside were we met up with others of our group. We eventually made it to a building where the evil one had been subdued and operated on to stop his telepathy. Ryan went in first. While we waited, Claire and I talked with the puppy. She and the puppy established communication and he told her the prophecy. We confonted the guy and told him the prophecy, which made him angry. His heart bounced furiously against his chest, we could see it. But we could tell he had ceded. Suddenly we all were in a large city with all these people surrounding us. The evil man, ryan, and I were there. We assumed he was to announce his resting place. As he ceded, me and Ryan and Claire combined our powers and announced our reign. The evil one disappeared, presumbably into his final resting place. I was in white and a mystery guy was in black. I think we were the humans who were to marry. We made powerful hand gestures that created energy together. Then all the people cheered.

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