Monday, October 13, 2008

The Future Earth

In my dream I stood in a little girl's bedroom window lined with pink ruffles.  From the window I looked out onto a dark night and a wooded park.  A woman and the girl who occupied the room came in and spoke to me.  They handed me something that allowed me to fly.  I stepped out onto the window ledge and jumped.  I flapped my arms, which made me go faster and higher.  Once I got the hang of flying I took off, soaring and speeding through the night.  I flew into outerspace and through time.  I approached a planet Earth in the distant future.  I watched it change as I circled it.  It changed from a lush green and blue sphere to a clear orb containing nothing but machinery.  I watched as the biosphere collapsed and became nothing but metal technology.  A sinking feeling came to me: We destroyed Earth.  We used up everything good it had and replaced it with ugliness and metal.  I flew home as fast as I could.  The woman and the girl were waiting for me.  I told them what I saw.  They said I had seen 180 years into the future, but that no future was set in stone.  They said because I circled the orb and saw the future, that I had sealed the fate of the planet.  They said the only way to stop the destruction from happening was if I was to fly back there and make a reverse course of circle rotations around the earth.  I had to circle the same number of times I had circled when I first visited, except backwards.  They said only then would the future still be open for change.  So I did it.  I flew all the way back to Earth's future and I reversed my course.  I had to save Earth.  I had to make sure it had a chance of surviving.  A chance for us to stop our destruction.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Dark Shape Shifting

Well this was a strange dream.  Started out climbing through a dark damp path underground to get to a hotel pool area.  The area was dimly lit and the blue water seemed dark.  There were diving platforms and a bunch of people swimming.  Late at night I was still there and had three people with me--it appeared that I was the leader of some sort of cult club.  They all swam toward me and pricked my skin at various places and tasted my blood.  It was a sort of "honor" to me, their leader.  Strange.  Next I was staying at my sister's house (though not her real house) where my dead dog was still alive.  She looked thin and bony, but it was her.  Somehow she was still hanging on--almost like she had been waiting for me to come back to her before she let go.  I gave her love, snuggled her, petted her, and she seemed very happy.  When I hopped in the shower early in the morning I was transported to the next portion of the dream.  I was suddenly in a warehouse with dozens of aisles filled with rack upon rack of random junk.  Suddenly there were bullets being fired from a billion guns going in all directions.  I was in the middle of a battle between these half-robot half-man enemies and some other folks who were the good guys.  Somehow I crawled away unscathed and into an alleyway.  In the alley were giant dumptrucks and cars coated with some sort of light green tar.  Apparently I was in the wrong place once again because they started making rumbling and banging sounds.  The good guys had coated the things that the enemies had placed bombs inside.  The coating would absorb the blasts.  I was trying to get out of the alley or hide but was trapped.  The bombs were so big that the coating was starting to fail.  Suddenly I was transported to a covered market place that resembled an open-air Chinese flea market.  Lots of stacks of random things.  I was with a small group of people--we were the good guys.  And we could shape-shift.  It seemed that everyone around us was an enemy and couldn't be trusted.  There were spies everywhere, so we had to be careful.  As soon as we were found out we would take the form of objects around us.  That way we would be able to hide--though the forms we took were not always exactly like the forms we attempted to mimic.  And in these markets, if we took a form we took the risk that someone might pick us up and buy us, thus separating us from our group.  At one point I took the shape of a gold ring that someone was going to buy.  Luckily I escaped that one.  At one point we were under attack inside of a department store and we were ushered by the owner into a back room basement where he lived.  It was a tiny little closet with a sink, bunk bed, a tiny pantry, and a window that overlooked a vast valley.  Twice this scene repeated.  The second time it was just me and a male.  We looked out the window, feeling the pressure of the enemies about to find us out, and we jumped out the window taking the shape of birds.  We flew over the valley of vineyards, oak forests, and tiny towns.  There were dozens of enemies everywhere and we felt despair that there would be no safe place to land, ever.  We chose a hedge along the side of a farm.  A bit of cloth of the male's shirt tore and landed beside the bush.  We took the forms of leaves when we saw the farmer approach.  He seemed okay first, but when he found the shirt he knew there were shape-shifters around.  He took the rag and went to get a bad guy.  So we had to take flight once again.  We found a circus that had set up nearby and flew into a tent.  We peaked through a crack in the top of the tent and saw another covered open air market that sold toys and circus things.  We hopped over and quickly tried to regroup and figure out if there would ever be a way to defeat these bad guys.  Then I woke up, completely confused by this epic dream!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Puppy Power

I was on a journey in a strange land with a large group of people. There was an evil man who was like a living dead mummy kind of guy. He was traveling with us for a bit, and everyone seemed okay with that. Ryan, Claire, and I were special and had unique tasks on this journey. I was chosen to control a group of puppies that were super important and only came around for certain people. They were sacred in the land that we were in. While we were stopped at some old ruins, I held out my hand with power and the puppies showed up. They moved whichever way I moved my hand. I sent them off to an ancient temple to read a prophecy. We could communicate telepathically. As the group was going to go into the forest, a family showed up who had been lost. We accepted them into our convoy of 3 minivans with 6 people in each. Blood oranges were eaten as food and were a treat to come across. I split off with a small group to collect berries that looked like figs. There was a small barn near the berry bushes. Near the barn we found reeds that we could make into a bow. As I peeled a reed, my group was sabatoged by dudes living in the barn that were subjects of an evil dude. I ran and suddenly an evil japanese samauri looking man followed with great speed. I was slapping him with the reed to get past him. I knew he was an incarnation of the evil mummy guy--the evil dude! I focused my energy and suddenly help came and he vanished in a flash of light. I proceeded across a bridge and into a cartoon carebear land where I met up with a puppy. The others had been killed but he survived and told me the prophecy which was hard to understand but basically two humans would marry and they were both the rightful heirs to the land and the evil one must choose a final resting place. Ryan was the one who the evil dude could communicate with and he convinced him to settle in an art hall in the temple. But still, he wanted to battle for some sort of vengence. With the puppy we could fly. We cruised through a forest and came upon the tail end of the evil dude's army of japanese soldiers and spirits. They saw us and flew ahead in a flash of green light. We could see the soldiers flying, glowing in blue-green. We skipped around various trails until the puppy and I hopped on a tiny cartoon airplane that dropped us off on a hillside were we met up with others of our group. We eventually made it to a building where the evil one had been subdued and operated on to stop his telepathy. Ryan went in first. While we waited, Claire and I talked with the puppy. She and the puppy established communication and he told her the prophecy. We confonted the guy and told him the prophecy, which made him angry. His heart bounced furiously against his chest, we could see it. But we could tell he had ceded. Suddenly we all were in a large city with all these people surrounding us. The evil man, ryan, and I were there. We assumed he was to announce his resting place. As he ceded, me and Ryan and Claire combined our powers and announced our reign. The evil one disappeared, presumbably into his final resting place. I was in white and a mystery guy was in black. I think we were the humans who were to marry. We made powerful hand gestures that created energy together. Then all the people cheered.

Jungle Insanity Starship

I was lost in the woods. I stumbled across a dumpy dwelling. I went through the white trash home with tons of dogs to get to the other side of the jungle. When I went through, I lost my mind, as if I was on acid or something. It clouded my thoughts and disabled me to speak clearly. I ran down a rough dirt road until I found a building that appeared to be a hospital. Turns out it was a Mormon rehab clinic. Whatever, I thought, and checked myself in. It was nice to not be lost in the woods anymore. I shared a room with another girl who was a serious Mormon. While at the rehab clinic, I wasn't allowed anything "sinful." It was okay at first because I was really really out of it and totally insane. I think that whenever I tried to speak only blabber and mumbles came out. I didn't want to stay there for long, just until I was clear again. I found some books in my bag, one of which was about biology, the other was an art book. My roommate freaked out and said they were sinful. She told the nurses on me, so I fled because I couldn't stand the oppression even though I was still a bit fuzzy. I ran through the jungled woods again and was met by a person on a horse who gave me a horse too. We rode for a long time and on a bend in the trail that looked out onto the jungle vally, it said that I was the chosen one for a group of alien beings that have been hovering in the sky waiting for me for centuries. Apparently they controlled earth in a way that no human could ever understand. We rode our horses for a bit longer to a parking lot where we were beamed up to the spaceship. When we got to the space station I was greeted by all sorts of people who wanted to shake my hand, hug me, and welcome me home. You could see the jungle from the ship, inside everything had a pink purple hue. I felt much clearer, yet still a bit confused as to what was going on.

Bollywood Heaven

I was on an old steam engine train with wood interiors and fancy rugs. In each seat there was a personal fireplace built into the back of the chair in front. We were headed to India through a snowy, mountainous terrain. Suddenly I was in Hollywood. I had been having an affair with richard gere and staying at his apartment, using his fancy car, and sharing him with another woman. It got old pretty fast so I left and went exploring. I met a guy with silver rings in his pocket. At first it was strange, but it eventually made sense. Hilary showed up and said she lived in heaven after a terrible art experiment involving gas explosions. I wondered why she was here if she had died and lived in "heaven." So she smiled and took us there. She reached into her pocked and took out silver rings and threw them in a slot on an escalator. It ejected a green reciept, which somehow made the escalator go to heaven, not the mall that it appeared to be headed towards. At first it looked like a giant potterybarn until we got to the 4th level. Suddenly it was a large indoor town with tons of rooms and wings and flats where people all lived together. It was very mellow. Hilary gave me a bunch of silver rings so I could come visit her. While I was visiting one day, I met a man and fell in love with him. I called him "dad" but he wasn't really my dad. We were in love, me and this man, but he was marrying a total bitch in heaven who said she didn't want kids. I tried to talk some sense into him, but he was clouded by his boner. She became an evil demon who summoned a dragon asshole that tried to attack me. I tried to fight her, though she was strong. I went to heaven to summon all the Harry Potter characters who lived there (not sure why), as well as some other witches and wizards. They all came and helped me kick ass against the dragon asshole. Meanwhile, the evil woman continued doing bad things and was going to destroy everything in both heaven and in our world on Earth. I summoned the giant league of sea lions to help. So many strong magical sea lions came and were prepared to fight. I was so glad they liked me!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hawaii and a Place For Broken Animals

I was in Hawaii.  Kauai, to be exact.  We were strolling around the island and saw a massive glacier-size lava flow falling into the ocean in massive chunks, sending steam and heat out into the atmosphere.  We went to a farm on the island where old, injured, rejected, broken animals were given care and a second chance at life.  When I entered the farm two giant tigers came up to me and licked my face and put their giant paws on my shoulders.  I was slightly alarmed, but I could tell they were gentle.  I strolled around the site and encountered three monkeys laying in a tub.  One was crystalline, the other two were fleshy.  One monkey really liked me and let me hold him.  I walked around with him in my arms and he purred.  He was so happy to have attention and affection.  Next I found a large area filled with hay and soil where dogs and cats lived.  There was an area for old greyhounds with broken legs.  There was also an area where cats played, sat, and lounged.  I found a nice cat named Daniel who was grey, white, and very fat.  We got along well and he loved to snuggle.  I wanted to take him home with me, but saw no means to make that happen.  My mom was there and adopted a white cat.  I begged her to take Daniel but she couldn't.  I left a nice note with the workers about Daniel and told them to give it to whoever came along looking for a nice cat.  Daniel was 10, so I was hoping it would happen soon.  There were lots of dogs to play with, but Daniel was the animal that really stuck with me. 

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Maze with Many Doors

I entered into a dark building that was an indoor maze made of particle board walls.  The interior was black and could only be seen when a flashlight was shined upon it.  Inside there were many paths that lead to many doors.  Each door lead to either a destination or another maze which would eventually lead to a destination.  The first door I opened revealed a sandy cavern that opened up into a cave mouth where ocean waves were slowly crashing upon.  I could feel the cool sea air and the moisture in the sand upon my feet.  The next windy path lead to another door where I entered a small courtyard where people were eating lunch on a patio.  Next was a staircase leading to a black couple's art studio.  They looked at me so oddly when I appeared.  I told them I had the wrong door and didn't mean to intrude on their space.  Next was a door that opened up their studio into a large warehouse where numerous artists were working.  Like a rat I wound around, trying to memorize the way I came so that I could get back to different doors if I wished.  I went through a door that lead to a large store where wood, pots, and shiny shiny plants were sold by an old stony man.  It was in some busy chinatown/fillmorey street.  I went back to the maze and came across a door that opened up into a private school courtyard where girls in uniforms were walking around.  I was lead by some random person into another ply wood door that dumped me into a basement space where tons of old items had been left by the many travelers of this maze of pathways.  Clothing, toys, furnitures, games, sculptures--everything was heaped about and I bumped into a traveler going out the opposite direction.  She told me it was a good doorway that she always tries to get to.  I came with through a door that lead to a large, green wallpapered hall with plum carpets.  Lou Reed was there playing guitar with shades on and there were cool rock band paintings on the wall.  The girl said that every time you go through there there are new pieces of art up and a new musician.  I couldn't remember the paths I had taken to get there, but I was glad to be there and I was sure I'd find it again somehow.  We went past an office with all the maze workers, and then I went through another door that caused me to wake up and realize it was 7 AM and my alarm was going off!  

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dad and Cape Cod

I dreamed I was in a small city in Oregon, most likely Ashland. I was with my dad, who looked very good and healthy. He had picked me up in his truck and we were headed back to where he lived. It was a small place, but cozy. There were no signs of Barbara, which made me worry that he was lonely. We talked and caught up for a bit before I asked where she was. He said that they talked every few months and that he was going to go visit her for a week soon. I assumed that they had either broken up or agreed to live apart. He was wearing a necklace with a wide pendant and when I asked about it he said it reminded him of when he was taking chemotherapy medications. Speaking of, I told him he looked healthy and great. He said he felt great. I told him that it was great to see him because I hadn't seen him since a few days before he died. He looked sad when I said that. I told him I had cried for years over his death and that it was so good to see him alive and flushed with color. Next thing I knew I was sharing a car ride with three girls, one of which had down syndrome and was huge and was sitting in the front seat with me against my will. It was very odd. I hopped out at the first stop and got into another car with Kelly and Claire. We were determined to go on a roadtrip. The next stop was Cape Cod, a beautiful valley of east-coast houses around a beautiful cove. We drove in and stopped at a fun-plex kind of place. There were life-size bouncy animals you could ride, crazy bumper cars, and all sorts of fun colorful plasticine things. There was a beach nearby too, which I recalled visiting as a child. I went wandering on my own and discovered a gigantic building with a really fun ride inside: hot air balloon simulator! It was a huge open blue room with thick lines webbed across the ceiling. On each line was a hot air balloon which could fit several kids inside the base. The floor was rubber and moved like a wave, so every time you jumped the thing would bounce into the air and surf around. It looked soooo fun to me at the time. So we all went in and tried it out. It wasn't as cool as it looked, but we saw some footage of the ride back in the 70's and it looked way more fun. It was the music that was missing, so we pumped up some tunes and got the party started. A large window looked out onto a park and the ocean, where two giant dinosaurs came stomping by (guys dressed in dinosaur suits). It was awesome. Kelly and Claire decided they would do some errands in town, specifically getting rid of old dvds and buying new ones. For some reason, that was all they cared about in that moment. I thought it was funny. Then I woke up.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Geckos, Dolphins, and Mermaids

I dreamed I had a box of sand filled with baby geckos and lizards. I held the gecko and it was so sweet and cuddly. It really liked me and it was my favorite of the bunch. When I tried to put it back in the box, it slipped out of my hand and slithered into the basement. I thought it was lost forever, but miraculously it came back. When I went back to the box, the entire box was empty and I knew they had all gone to the basement. In the basement, I peeeked and saw a black cat, my cat, a gray rat, and a white rat which tried to get out without success. No sign of my gecko down there, which I assumed meant it was gone for good, or eaten by the rats or cats. It is believed that the basement represents the subconscious and that geckos are perception/power of observation. I wonder if this dream is suggesting that my perception is lost in my subconscious? Next, I was on a bus touring around with a bunch of friends, including Hilary, Carson and his new girlfriend Theresa. It was awkward cause I wanted to hang out with him because he's my friend but the new lady kept on being there and it was annoying. On the bus, we drove and drove, switching seats and talking. While I was annoyed, I still had fun traveling around. We went to a place with a giant body of crystal clear water. I went swimming and a dolphin showed up. It was the cheeriest dolphin I had ever seen and was so friendly! We swam with the dolphin of magic and it was so much fun and so positive. It even let us take a ride on his back by holding on to his dorsal fin. His skin was so soft and silky. Afterwards, we were all lined around the water and people were handing out awards and money. I didn't get all the money I was supposed to get, but I guess it was fair because my group didn't have money to give either. Either way, we got awards and the dolphin delivered them all. Next, we were on a trek in the water with water people and mermaids. We followed after them through beautiful magical waters and at one point a powerful mermaid popped up from a kelp forest underwater and shared a gaze with us. They lead us to their sacred home where as soon as they got there they cuddled in pairs (men and women, women and women, men and men) in shell-shaped sofas that made a weird twisty sound and wrapped them furiously with silken linen until they relaxed and fell asleep. We realized it was an sex contraption that instantly provided pleasure so that the creatures could sleep. While at first we were a bit timid to try it, the mermaids beckoned us so we obliged. Carson and his woman hopped in, some other couples hopped in, and I was left alone for a moment so I hopped in by myself. It was really weird and didn't really work, but a mermaid looked at me and shook her head as if the sofas were not meant to be slept in a lone. A girl quickly joined me and the mermaids smiled as if all was how it was supposed to be in their world. After we all slept and relaxed in the sofas, the mermaids woke up and said it was time for the next adventure.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Agate Beach and Alien Housey

I dreamed I was at Agate Beach, the beach I grew up at every summer with my family. It's long steep trail down the the beach was always lined with lush trees and ferns, and spat you out at an isolated pristine shoreline. In the dream, the trail had been replaced by a monstrous structure containing escalators and flourescent lights. At the beach there were new bathrooms that were never there before, as well as a road leading up to the old parking lot. If all that wasn't bad enough, some rich people had managed to settle some condos at the beachfront, and some hoopty ghetto kids had used the road to bring their cars out and screech around. It was a nightmare. I told my mom about what had happened to our favorite place on Earth and we both cried. I decided to move away. I got a place with a girl I barely knew. The place was very old and charming, yet my room totally sucked. At first glance it was gorgeous, with a tree branch hovering above my bed through a huge skylight ceiling and a fireplace. However, one of the walls was simply a plastic tarp and the floors wobbled like a waterbed. It was terrible. There was no way I could live there. I explored the house and found a gigantic old antique warehouse type space attached to our house. We could play music there or renovate it into living space! There were two antique pianos there. One played by itself, which I supposed meant it was haunted. Still, the space had potential. Then I was living in another apartment, a bit more disheveled and small. I came home to it one day after school and there were a bunch of people inside who I didn't know. I sat down next to a baby that seemed to be missing a mother. I held it and decided to adopt it. It looked a little sick after awhile and when I laid him down a pink worm crawled out of his ear. It transformed into a vicious lizard alien monster whom I had to chase down and attempt to destroy. It was hard though because he was quick and tricky. I left the house for a bit to regroup, and when I came back a girl who was in the house stomped on the thing and killed it. It was a good thing, cause it was about to duplicate itself. At that point, that same girl decided that she and a guy would grant everyone in the house one wish. One guy wanted a lap dance from her, which I thought was silly. A few people made stupid requests like that, but I decided I would ask for Agate Beach to be restored to its beautiful state.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blue Aliens Hoorah

I dreamed I went on a shopping trip one day after flying home to the city. My cat was there, following along side. In stores, on the subway, on the street, my cat was in tow. People giggled and smiled at how cute it was. Later in the dream, I worked at a toy store and was closing up shop at night. As I locked the door and pulled the blinds a woman spoke from outside. She said she needed to pick up her dog food she had ordered and had called earlier to confirm. I reluctantly opened the door for her to give her the food. She pulled a gun on me, but I laughed saying that I was gonna quit this job anyway and didn't care whether or not she robbed it. I gave her everything, even encouraging her to take more stuff. I honestly didn't care, I told her. She was actually kind of nice and funny, we got along well and she dropped the gun. Right as we were both about to leave, the front door opened and it was a bunch of blue-skinned aliens! The aliens were mean. They brought with them some other humans they had gathered and we all were dumbed with laser beams. While the aliens partied, we just all kinda sat around like idiots unable to think or go anywhere. One chick was able to get out. I became that girl while she ran away. The whole city block had been dumbed, which freaked her out. The next day I was back to my old self and returned to the store with my boss, telling her all about the damage. When we opened up the store everything was back to normal and perfect, with no signs of aliens. At school, a few of us got together who remembered the aliens. While we were talking about it, a guy walked up and said he had been there too and was given a special alien rock. In reality, it was a tracking device so the aliens knew where to start moving in. Other kids gathered with us and we all started fleeing to the hills cause when they dumbed us we absorbed their master plans and knew the city was about to be infiltrated. I didn't have a bike or a car so I hopped down the road with all the other kids leaving. We had to go through a bunch of mazes and strange wooden buildings and trails to get away, but it was the best shot we had at survival.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Kitten Toys and Deli Treats

While napping today I dreamed that I had two toys, which contained kittens. The kittens were arranged in a circle within a clear box. When you pressed a button, the kittens awakened and held up little umbrellas and marched in a circle. After playing with it absent-mindedly for awhile, I realized how terrible the toys were. I started jiggling the box to see if the kittens were alive or dead or robots. They awakened, but only fully when I pressed the button. How could they stay alive like that for so long without food or water? The mystery plagued my mind. I decided I would free them into the park. On my way to do so, I kept on thinking about what weird toys these were and how impossible it was that they could be normal kittens. Almost to the park, I saw Trevor on the street with a giant bag of delicious goodies from a fancy Italian market. He bought all of it to bring to his family. Everything looked so good so we walked to the market so I could get some stuff too. I never got to set the kittens free, but I think it's okay because there was no way those kittens were normal kittens. They would have mated with the park kittens and screwed up their entire gene pool...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Splat Mongolian Bus

Last night I dreamed that I was going to meet my professor at his art/research studio after class. It was a really crappy building in a very European part of town; large ornate buildings with wrought iron fences and large cobblestone piazzas. On the first floor, some weird slutty artsy redhead girl stopped me and was trying to hit on me. As I tried to get past her she was clinging on me and being really annoying. I was able to get past her and run upstairs to work on the project that me, the professor, and another student were working on. I went down a flight of stairs to get something and that weird redhead had come up and was all over me. I was pushing her, but somehow she was able to take off all of my clothes. I told her to back off and I ran upstairs. I peeked around the corner and asked my professor and the girl if they had any extra clothes cause that girl took all mine. He said he had some hospital scubs I could wear. It was embarassing, but not really cause it's not like I had planned it. Later on, that girl came up into our studio (uninvited) and was being really weird. We all told her to go away. She was wearing a long green velvet dress. Suddenly she jumped out the window and went soaring across the courtyard. About 10 seconds later we heard "splat!" and she had hit the ground, exploded red. It was pretty disgusting and sudden and sad. That girl was so weird though. Some other girl who knew her came running up the stairs and looked out the window. She said that the girl had been high on meth. Oh well, I thought. She was so tripped-out and annoying. We left and went to a rooftop garden in a building across the way. Trevor was there with us. We were all hanging out and eating, when the girl with us smelled something bad. She went looking with my professor and they discovered that within the greenery were dehydrated bodies of famous historical figures. We concurred that the government must have set it up. While we were talking, a sprinkler went off and a Mongolian warrior hydrated and came after us. We were able to convince him that a big jade stone we happened to have with us was magic. We got him to run after it, and when I held it over the railing he went after it and fell to his splatty second-death. So next I was on a bus to SF. The route was longer than usual and went along green wooded areas in Santa Cruz. I was trying to put my make up on, but the ride was a bit bumpy. Across the aisle sat Devendra Banhart who was putting make-up on too. He was putting eye shadow on his upper lip which I thought was odd. He started talking to me and knew my name. I told him I knew his name too, then I mentioned his new lady, Natalie Portman. We became friends. The bus stopped on a hill in the forest so that the driver could tinker with its engine, so we went for a walk. I told him about my crazy dream (listed above) and we laughed and decided we were meant to be good friends. He said he felt he looked like Frankenstein. I said that Trevor once did too and that all guys think that at least once. We talked about Trevor and how pure-souled he is. Then we sat down and just relaxed with the rest of the bus riders.

Garage of Aliens, Bunnies, and Jesus

Last night I dreamed that I lived in my mom's garage with Trevor. The garage was dingy and smelled of old wood. Our bedding was pristine, which looked very out of place in the space. On this particular night I saw a big spider eating a bug and it freaked me out. I decided that we had to move out. Suddenly the situation changed and mom had two garages attached to each other that could be renovated to form two really great, livable spaces. Trevor began sanding the wood down and finishing them. We decided to move into the house where my old room was. As for the newly renovated garage; one room would be all wood and Trevor would use it for music, the other was turned into a carpetted office for my mom to do her crafts and stuff in. We weren't in the house for too long before we moved back outside into Dad's old art studio in the backyard. It had been renovated years before, so we had very little work to do to make it ready for us. It was a very romantic and minimal space. We had a wooden sculpture hanging above our bed, which really reflected our rustic taste. I uncovered some soil in the floor and planted a garden in the studio. We had flowers and veggies growing, right beside our bed. I loved the idea of it, although there were bunnies that kept eating the flowers. I kicked them out after they ate their third flower plant. Our current neighbor, Mery, brought her little daughter, Sienna, over to our studio. I read her a book by Dr. Seuss. Suddenly I was an alien--a beautiful alien woman--who used her powers to go into my mom's house and make-over all the rooms to be really pretty. The night before there had been a party for Easter that had left everything a mess, so my mom was so happy to see that it was all beautiful again. Because I was an alien, I had to leave. The only way I could stay is if I married Jesus' reincarnate. It was this dude named "Landa" whom I had had a love/hate relationship with. I had figured that marriage with this homie wouldn't work out, so I left the house wearing two of Claire's shawls and red lipstick. I glanced at my old backyward wishing my dad was there to keep it in shape.
My family in the house saw me leave and a little girl chased me down. I told her what was going on and why I had to leave. Landa came running after me and I told him why I was leaving also. He revealed to me that he was the breath of Jesus (even though I already knew who he was). He said he loved me and would marry me. Then we kissed and I stayed.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bike Forest Pirate Cove

Last night I was staying with K at her place up north. It was a cabin by a lake right next to some woods. I had been camping at Patrick's Point and needed to get back there. She said I could take her bike. Alls I had to do was ride through a wooded road, take a right up a bumpy trail, and follow the ocean to the campground. Once I got past the bumpy uphill trail, a beautiful view of the ocean opened up and a shoreline of shiny large pebbles shone. I rode the bike along moist sands, trying to get the hang of the steering. As I arrived at Agate Beach, the beach at Patrick's Point, I felt really happy to be out there in nature. Next, I was headed back along the trail and ran into my sister and her baby. I had the stroller and was steering the stroller along the bumpy dirt path. Another woman was there with her stroller too. We stopped at a lookout area that was supposed to be romantic. Suddenly the area had a sign that mentioned that this area was an old pirate's cove. We took some stairs down to a lower lookout and it became a tourist spot. There were pirate decorations and maps as to where the sunken ships were. I could see two shipwrecks in the water, but they had been painted and restored and were not as ancient as I had hoped. The rocks in the cove were huge and the ocean was so cold and misty. I took the baby down an escalator to a viewing area on the beach that had hotdog stands and little tourist rides that took you around the pirate area and into caves. We just sorta stood there and looked at the pirate environment and ships. We were planning on taking one of the tours. My nephew seemed confused but excited. Then I woke up.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Many Levels of High

The dream took place in a swampy small town that had once sustained poor miners, but had been gentrified and now housed rich people looking for a "small town feeling" where real estate was cheap. Down a dark street lined with brick houses and dimly lit pubs, there was a door. It lead to a gigantic underground super-Potterybarn store that my friends and family ran. Above the store was a large flat that me and friends occupied and controlled. We had just recently let a room to a foreign exchange student dude who made yummy food a lot. Upstairs from that was a four-story home that belonged to my godmother Polly and her hubby Steve. The first level had once been a dumpy cellar but was converted to a posh TV room with shag carpet, a fireplace, a bar, and a flat screen TV. It was dark, but cozy and kind of retro with wood panelling and mood lighting. Upstairs from that was their main living area with a gigantic white diagonally-placed kitchen. It was bright and airy with large windows. Right next to the kitchen was a guest room that was open, only private by one stone wall. It too had shag carpet and a flat screen TV. The room had floor to ceiling windows that overlooked a hillside and a waterfall/river that the Muni train rode past a few times a day. There were wild chickens roaming around outside, and many pretty trees. The top level was where they slept and it was painted a really bright blue and it reminded me of a sailboat, but a computerized sailboat. Steve came home from work while I was there and he was dressed like a hippie, but not a real hippie; he was dressed like how someone would dress as a hippie for Halloween with a blond long-haired wig and bellbottoms and a tie-dye shirt. They were having a party that night--well actually, the whole building was having a party, but it would naturally concentrate at their pad because it was so cool looking. People arrived and were eating and talking. All levels of the compound had people in them, and the many escalators and stairs that moved between levels were activated and I used them quite frequently. At one point I realized that all the "kids" were around, but the "adults" had gone away. I went looking for them. There were no where conspicuous. There was a door and I opened it. There was a staircase that led to a hidden sub-level of the house. It led to a dark, wood-panelled room that looked like an attic that you'd see in a log cabin. On the shag carpet sat all of the adults smoking a joint. My mom was up there getting high and it was so weird to see all these old people doing drugs. I left and chuckled to myself. My professor-boss showed up and I told him if he wanted to get high all the adults were upstairs smoking joints. He looked at me with red eyes and told me he was already high. Tripped out by it all I went into the guest room and turned on the heart-shaped hot tub and had a soak. Such a weird place, I thought.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rated G, for Giraffe

Downtown there were all these large animals on the loose. Tigers, Leopards, Elephants, Hippos, from a zoo nearby. Everyone was trying to help the officials to locate and nab them. They were close to catching them all when we spotted a Tiger. It approached me and at first I was comfortable with it being so close, but then a pang of fear came over me and it swatted. It's as though it could sense my fear and was messing with me. The officials came and took the Tiger, laughing at me for being scared because they said that she was the sweetest Tiger ever. Oh well. Later we were at a museum/airport type place and we saw a Giraffe that had managed to escape being caught. It was in a greenhouse/atrium type enclosure and it was trying to connect with other Giraffes outside of the enclosure who had been killed and stuffed. It was kind of sad actually. But I was able to alert the officials to his whereabouts and they all came. I was hoping they would take it someplace where there'd be other Giraffes. I began being friendly with the beast and it was actually very affectionate. They were all surprised, but pleased. Suddenly the Giraffe turned into a really tall man, handsome and from another country. He knew more English that we thought, and just sorta walked away from the whole scene. It was cool.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sister Clones/ When Paper Hearts Attack

Well this was a strange set of dreams, indeed. It's a two-parter:

Part One:
I was part of an experiment that had to do with cloning. There were 5 main women from which many sets of of clones were being made. I was part of "Woman 3" and her set of genes. I lived in a section of a warehouse for all of the 3's. There were aisles with bunkbed compartments where you and your sister clone would live together. Each pair of sister's had slightly differing alleles, meaning that each set was slightly different in their personalities. Some of the 3's were totally uptight snobs who were so mechanical and lifeless. Me and my sister clone, on the otherhand, were rebels. Somehow we became aware of the operation and wanted out. We still had to pretend that we were stupid and oblivious, and go along with the norms. But, secretly we were plotting our escape. We knew that students would come in to these stadium seating rooms next to our bunks and observe us, so there must be a way out. My sis and I busted out and were free. We ran and ran and ran, taking on different identities and sneaking in disguise. We were out in a mall-like lobby, taking in all of the different types of people and behaviors, when we were apprehended. Oh well.

Part Two:
I worked in an office. It was the day of a big office party. People were not up to their usual routines, so the office was a bit disheveled. The building was shaped like a square around an empty shaft in the middle, so you could see across it into the other side of the office. You could also see the glass elevator that ascended up the empty middle area onto each floor. I was caught up in watching a woman in the elevator approach my floor, when suddenly some strange stuff happened to her. While she was adjusting her nylons and heels, a little magenta circle of paper flew into the elevator and landed on the floor. As she straightened herself out, the magenta circle split apart into thousands of magenta hearts. The bits were jagged and flurried and buzzing chaotically. She was waving at the swarm and swatting at them furiously. When she got off the elevator finally, the entire floor that we were on was cleared of all workers. Somehow that swarm of magenta hearts had represented all of our co-workers, and they were now dead and gone to someplace else. It was a total shock and really weird. Me, Trevor, her, and other person met up because we were the only ones left. I told her what I had seen. We agreed we should get out of that office. We went through a secret passage in the wall and headed through a series of tunnels to Point Reyes where we would be near the ocean and warm and away from the dark depressing office scene. We emerged in a town right before Point Reyes. There were people everywhere looking happy and peaceful, and the ocean was very refreshing. Trevor and I held hands and began to run. He's bigger than me, yes, but somehow he had these crazy powers that allowed him to leap over huge rocks and bushes and fountains. So, really, we were making speed. I just held on and we were going places real quick. We stopped as soon as we got to Point Reyes. There were little restaurants and places to sit that looked familiar. We sat at a table and relaxed. Suddenly my sister and my nephew were there with us. My nephew was sitting in my lap and was talking about crayons. I fed him bits of beans and carrots, and we were all very content. Then I woke up.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Wacky Biblical Lore

Last night I was in a history class. We were talking about biblical lore. Suddenly I was seeing the story in real time. There was an old man with his wife out in an ice field, far away from civilization. He found a large ice rock and blew it into the mountains. This caused a gigantic ice storm that wiped out his wife entirely. As she was taken out, he saw a figure in the storm. He couldn't quite make it out, but its image haunted him. He was devastated and stricken by guilt of his wife's passing. He felt doomed to wander the ice fields forever until he died. It had been a month and the poor old man was still alive, even though he wished he were dead. He was torn and frozen and could barely stand up, but he pressed on. When he felt he could take no more, a beautiful woman approached him out of thin air. She took his hand and lead him further. They entered between two large white gates and began trekking through a dark tunnel that smelled sweet. His eyes were stunned when the tunnel opened out into a large green city in the clouds. She guided him through perfect gardens and peach colored sandy paths. There were children playing, teenagers hanging out smoking cigarettes and talking, women and men cooking in a kitchen, animals frolicking, and the brightest warmest sun he had ever felt. He felt dry, soothed, and completely relieved. But still, she guided him on. They entered a room where Hindus were meditating with pink religious shawls around their necks. She donned one, and wrapped one around him as well. They sat in Lotus style in the dimly lit room and meditated for a while. He was feeling like a totally different person, and the guilt that had weighed heavy on him seemed to disappear. Suddenly a door opened up and light shone through. There was a cloud pathway that was lined with men in white robes, surrounded by a golden arch. An old being walked through the path and called out to the man who had seen a figure more than once. The man knew he was referring to him. He rose and spoke up. The old being seemed delighted that it was he who he addressed. The old being grabbed the old man's arm and walked with him. The crowd seemed excited about the old man being there and the old man felt empowered in some way. The two walked, talked, and everything seemed to make sense. Then I woke up.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Whales

Last night I was given two large whales. One was a Gray Whale and the other was a Humpback. They swam in long containers, far to small for their size. The Humpback was pregnant. I had a marine biologist friend who knew all about whales. He knew how to help her give birth in captivity. She was actually a really sweet whale; she would raise her head out of the water and let you touch her. And when she was ready to give birth she let out a little noise so that you knew it was time. My friend told me she'd have 10 babies, but somehow only three came. And when she gave birth, a gigantic population of baby lizards and geckos arrived as well. We kept them in box until we could give them to someone who could care for them. We had a bunch of people who were in the marine biology field come by and be interviewed. We wanted to make sure they were all going to the right homes, especially the whales. The panel was stiff though, and asked too many questions. They were even questioning my friend's knowledge of whales and how to help them give birth! I was shocked that people weren't being cooler. Regardless, one guy agreed to put one of the whale calves in a zoo where he had a really great habitat set up. And the woman who had been asking all the questions decided she'd take all the lizards and geckos. That was a relief since the whole interview they had been escaping from their boxes and crawling all over the place. They were so fast and sneaky! Mao the cat was there and she killed one of them, but all the others survived and were whisked away by the questiony woman. After everyone left, we were still left with our mama-whale whom I called Bessy, her two babies, and the Gray Whale. We decided that the best thing to do would be to bring them to the ocean and let them go into their natural habitat. Bessy could sense that that's what we were planning and became very excited. Even my pet dogs were excited for them! We gave Bessy and rub on her nose and started planning for her and her babies' release...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Donuts, Earthquake, and a Tsunami

Hilary and I were on a roadtrip. We had stopped in sacramento and decided to grab a donut from this old bakery my family used to when I was a kid. There was one guy working the counter.  There were so many treats to choose from, but I got a large donut with chocolate frosting. It was delicious.  Then, the guy offended me somehow-- I think he wouldn't give me a deal for some day-old donuts or something-- and we left. As I left I told the guy that I was bummed how the customer service there had gone down the drain since when I had gone there as a kid. We were driving around, and then Hilary pulled back into the bakery parking lot. She said she had forgotten to get a coffee there. I wasn't quite sure why we had to go back there, especially since now I felt kinda bad about being so harsh to the counter guy. She started chatting with the guy, being really nice, and comes to find out that he had been an alcoholic and had developed a terminal liver disease. He turned out to be a really nice guy just doing his job. He was poor and had a family to support. Hilary said to me, "Oh dear," then turned to him and said she would give him money--all the money she had in the bank. She was gonna give him thousands of dollars to help him out, just like that! It was a really beautiful gesture that was totally unselfish. He was humbly grateful. He made her rice with lentils and carrots, an old family recipe. Somehow this act sealed the deal for her, and she could fully trust that he was a good guy. We left the bakery to go find an ATM for her to withdraw the cash.
Suddenly, there was a giant earthquake.
We were long gone from Sacramento by now, but a vision flashed before me of the old bakery. The roof had come crashing down upon the bakery guy, killing him instantly. He had never got the money. It was very tragic. The earthquake had been so large and so destructive that we were only able to enter San Francisco by helicopter. We were astonished and what we saw. Most of our city was destroyed, except for houses that were new and built with reinforcments. But everything else was reduced to rubble and dust. It was so sad and upsetting. I thought of all my friends and all of my favorite spots in the city that were most likely destroyed. And most upsetting was the thought of my own house. It had most likely fallen, with everything I valued inside of it destroyed--including my cat and my boyfriend perhaps. And sure enough, as we flew past my house it was gone. I deeply feared that Trevor was dead, so much so that I just accepted it as the truth. I was devastated and all I could do was cry uncontrollably. All around me were people in the same boat--sad at the loss of lives and houses and the city that once nurtured them. After all of the thoughts subsided in my head, I decided I should go to my house. I landed and approached it slowly, strolling up the block as if it was an aisle at a grocery store. My house was like a bag of cereal, I could open it and see the crumbles, and I could see Trevor within it. But then for reals I could hear his voice. He came out from behind a wall and hugged me. I was beyond happy to see him. I was shaking and laughing and crying and never wanted to stop hugging him. He said he hadn't been home, that he had been on his way back to SF from a little trip he had taken at the last minute. I was just so happy and relieved that he was alive. It made me realize how important he was to me. We decided to go to the beach, away from the rubble, and meditate for a moment. On the beach there were other people who had survived, some of which were our friends. We had learned that the earthquake had been a 7.0 or greater in Texan waters, but somehow it triggered earthquakes in San Francisco. Obviously logic was excluded from this dream. We were scanning the devastation and wondering what would happen when the Hayward fault in SF went off--what then? As we strolled we noticed some oddly large waves in the distance. I shouted "tidal wave!" and we scampered into the car and drove away. The earthquake had triggered a huge tsunami that had taken awhile to reach the beach. We raced to get to the highest point in the city, and we were just in time. I looked out the rear window and saw a gigantic wave crash onto the highway behind us. The water was muddy and tan and foamy and neverending. We drove up a hillside onto a plateau that had some houses on it. It was sad to see yet another natural disaster plaguing the already destroyed city. We set up camp on the plateau. For some reason I had a tent in the trunk of the car from me and Hilary's road trip, so trevor and I tried to get it set up. It was hard becasue it had been raining and the ground was wet, but we tried anyway. We were just happy to be alive and above the rushing watery ground. We would have to stay up there for a little while, but our friends were with us, and we knew that we'd be okay. Then I woke up.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Papercuts in the Old Hotel

For some reason I was driving the Papercuts tour van. It was not your usual white tour van; instead, it was an old rickety yellow school bus with torn leather seats and smudgy windows that didn't roll up all the way. The beast was a bitch to drive--not only because of it's massive size, but because the brakes barely worked so I was constantly worried I'd hit something.
I finally found a parking spot right outside of an old building in a crummy neighborhood where the folks were practicing. We were in a town that was not our own--specfically in a bad part of this new town. There were a lot of run-down houses with cracked windows, chipping paint, dry dead grass, and empty streets. Right next to the building was a gigantic old hotel that any onlooker would thinkg was abandoned in the 50's, but in actuality it was still operating. I know this because it was where everyone was staying.
The place was falling apart. It was plagued with broken windows, peeling faded wallpaper, outdated mismatched antique furnishings and linens--an appearance that suggested that the hotel hadn't been touched since the early 1900s. The hallways and creaky wood staircases were dark, dingy, and set up like a confusing maze. I was staying with Claire who was in heaven at this vintage landmark. She loved the tattered quilts and chalky walls. I was not as thrilled. Everything was dirty and tired, and I longed for something fresh, cheery, and colorful. My mom was staying there too. Her room was similarly ancient and ecclectic. Her large bed was positioned under a long stretch of windows. Her room contained the usual old faded vintage sheets and comforter, bare creaky wooden floors, peeling walls, and an old vanity with an oval mirror above it. It stood at a slant right next to the bed. Upon it were old pink perfume bottles covered in dust, and a collection of scarves and jewelry left by generations of past visitors. When I approached the bed I looked through the window and was astonished. While the hotel was a dump, the views were breathtaking. The ocean was enormous and blue, and the beaches were filled with people laughing and playing. It could have still been the 50's for all the strange sports and swimsuits that I saw below. My mom and I decided we would head out to the beach. Next thing I knew we were all leaving the hotel. We had completely cleared out our rooms (to the point where they were bare of all furniture and remnants of human existence) and were headed out to explore the city--or possibly to move on to the next adventure. We went to a dinner party where there was warmth, food, gifts, and friends. And then I awoke to a clear blue sky.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Roadtrip Museum Led to Nazi Escape

I started out on a roadtrip. I was a guy, there were two of us. We resembled "Eric and Kelso" from That 70's Show. We stopped at a cafe and these two waitresses were really sweet, cute, uneducated, and chatty. They made us french toast sandwiches. We all got along really well. They seemed to hate their lives in this hick town and were much to classy for it. We took off and the girls ran out of the cafe and said they were coming with us. They looked like my friend Amber and this girl Hillary who I have a class with. They were so happy to be ditching their old lives and starting a new adventure. While in our van, Hillary told us she had had a child when she was 9 years old and was pregnant again. It was a shocker. I told Hillary that someday her life would settle down and become amazing. I told her that she was in my class at SFSU. It was weird because my actual life was paralleling this dream world and acting as a psychic tool for this girl. We were headed to St. Louis where I was gifted an old run-down museum. It was huge and amazing, but kind of daunting to think of what I would do with it and how I would pay for the renovations that would need to be done. I decided to give it to Hillary as a gift under the pretense that she turn it into a gallery/studio space and have rad events there. She was in. The only thing was that I wanted two rooms for my own. One of them was an old English room with stained glass windows and a library wall, the other was a congressional looking room. Suddenly, as I strolled outside the museum, it turned into the State Capital building. And I really wanted to turn the Congress room into a venue. We went inside the building to find it completely empty and eerily silent. As we headed towards the Congress room a mad scientist guy ran after us. We asked him what was going on and he said that he and some other resident scientists had had an experiement go badly wrong and everyone disappeared. It was true, there were backpacks and cups of coffee laying around like people were just there. We walked into the Congress room and took in the emptiness. Suddenly I heard some muffled voices. In a closed room there were people meeting. Then people in the giant room began to reappear. We tried to talk to them but they could barely see or hear us. We spread out and tried to communicate to everyone in the room and it was the same thing no matter what we did. Then a big fat mean guy showed up claiming to be the person in charge. He was taking over the Capital and was going to either kill you or spare you. He instructed everyone to line up. Me and some other people took off and ran down a creepy underground passage that the scientist showed us. I was an escapee! At the end of the tunnel, and past the labratories, I saw a massive room with tons of people headed in one direction. Apparently the Capital had a train station and was filled with Nazis and people who had been spared. The Nazi's were looking for the escapees (me) and so I had to move quick. I saw Trevor and felt thrilled. I had to get to him, so I ran and tried to blend in with others. But apparently I wasn't wearing the right thing and I got caught without a "ticket." Trevor had one but he had been spared. The woman asked me if I could play guitar. Confused by the question, I told her no but I could play piano. Her face lit up and she had me play a duet with a Nazi woman. I did pretty good I guess, played an Erik Satie song with her and emphasized harmonies. She was so impressed that she gave me a ticket in exchange for the promise that I would come back and play music with the woman for the Nazis. I said yes but knew that there was no way I was ever going back there. Trevor and I hugged and were so happy to be finally on our way home where we could be together in peace. We got our train tickets, hopped on board, and couldn't have been happier.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Half Creepy House/ Half Super Powers

In the first scene, I was best friends with Christian Siriano (winner of project runway 4).
We talked on the phone a lot and I loved that he was so sassy and into fashion and hair and stuff. Me, him, Trevor, and a few other people traveled to an old house in Monterey that was the home of a very famous family that had suffered a tragic fate. It had been a family that held slaves which were contained in their own quarters. The house was old, dingy, dark, creaky, chipped, and eerie. The slaves had been shot in their courtyard and you could see the bullet holes along the walls. It was terrible. My mother was there. She felt the holes before we continued into the house. Every room was dark. The house had been abandoned in the 1800s and everything was left exactly as it was the day the family vacated. There were old dishes, dolls, floral arrangements, altars, furniture, candles, and so on. It was like a family of dark witches had lived there with the amount of dark energy and dark materials there were. Oddly enough, one family acquaintance still lived there. I am not entirely sure, but I think it was Whoopi Goldberg. Strange, I know. But anyway, she was a being of light--meaning that she could live in house without being affected by its darkness. She had a glowing aura and was a Buddhist. Her area was like a totally different house. Through the hallway was a large open room where she lived. There was a white shag carpet, white glowing walls, sheer drapes of peach and pink, and big comfy floor pillows that faced a crackling and glowing fireplace. She was a yoga teached and a healer. Some people came to her for retreats, though it seemed strange to me since she was the caretaker of such a creepy house.
Me and my gang moved to yet another area of the house, a wood room that was dark and cramped. It was here that we were told we had special powers that needed to be nurtured and developed. We begun our training. First we were told to bend backwards and use our abs and mind to magically bounce forward. I got that one down pretty good, so did Christian and Trevor. But then he wanted us to leap insanely high and do spins and learn how to manipulate objects from a distance and do all sorts of crazy things. I didn't quite get the hang of it and I quit learning from the guy. I stepped outside for a breather when I saw a Cyclops bad guy charging the mansion. Trevor was outside too. I hollared at him to stop the beast, but then I didn't want him to get hurt so I told him to stop. The Cyclops had a red sparkly ball that I assumed was a weapon. I used my powers to nab the ball from across the parking lot and stopped him from hurting anyone. I met up with Trevor and we couldn't stop hugging and kissing. That was nice. But, when I went back inside, there were all these voices in my head whispering. It was really creepy. The trainer guy asked me what was going on. When I told him he said it was because I used my powers without being ready and thus I was feeling the evil spirits in the house and the effects of using powers when not in control of them. That was a bummer to learn. Regardless, that guy was still bugging me.
The next scene took place in an old 1800s office building. It was all wood with blue hues. It was falling apart. I guess we sold some sort of goods there, but mostly we used it as a home base for us to practice and use our powers. At some point some guy came in looking for me and for some reason I did not want to be found. I hid in a secret room that we had. I hid in just the right spots so even when he was peeking into the room through crevices and windows he couldn't see me. I hid behind desks, couches, whatever I needed to conceal me. While in hiding, I had time to look closely at the little insects that made webs in the crevices of the room. In one area there was a furry little spider-like bug. In another area there was a Ladybug. The odd thing was that the ladybug was living in a web. And the other thing was that I watched it eat its young. It was kinda weird seeing a ladybug eat its tiny little red babies. I am not sure why it was doing that, but it was kinda disturbing. The guy was still lurking around the office space, buying stuff from our store while he was there. I snuck out of the room and pretended like I was just getting home. The guy was just leaving so he didn't have to time to talk to me about whatever it was that he wanted to talk to me about. I was glad I avoided that. Then it was just me, Christian, and Trevor practicing our moves. And I woke up with a stomach ache.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Green Apple Baby in the Tropical Closet

Dreamt that trevor and i lived in an old antique house on a tropical island. there was a huge walk-in closet right next to our bedroom on the second floor. i loved getting it all set up and organized. I even added furniture so that it could double as a sitting/relaxation room. at one point dolly parton was there and she was helping me arrange the furniture. and then another woman was there because she wanted to buy an antique school desk that i had. i felt weird about it because i was sure it was worth more than she was paying me. her boss popped in and said he had purchased a school for a bargain price and needed desks. i agreed to sell it for cheap then. plus, i still had another desk that i had kept that was even older than that one. at one point it seemed that maybe i had too much furniture, but Dolly helped me sort that out. there was a window inside it that brought soft light. suddenly i was pregnant and started to give birth. it was a hard labor. i had a dula present, although i could not see her. i was looking at myself as an outsider, maybe even as the dula. oddly enough, i gave birth to three green apples. inside of one apple was a baby that was prematurely developed. the apple, of course was suddenly a lot bigger than a normal one. i thought the baby was dead. but then trevor pulled it out and started touching it's face. it's eyes opened. it was a girl. we decided to nurse it back to health. and it worked! she was the sweetest, cutest thing ever. i went to the store to buy her diapers and a ergo carrier. while i was there my sister and mother showed up. they loved the baby. we all sat down on a couch and started taking family photos. my little girl was the sweetest thing ever. i kept kissing her head and touching her hair. she was developing fast and was already making sounds like she wanted to talk. i felt very happy to be a mother.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Choose Water Better Than Reality TV

Dozing for a nap, I dreamt I moved to an apartment where my friend melanie lived.It was a reality show where you had to stay in the house and follow their rules for a month. If you stayed, you would get $2.00 and free rent at your residence for a year.
It was horrible.
There were cameras everywhere and you weren't allowed to say anything "bad" about being there on the show. There was this mean woman who worked for the network that would come by and be all strict and controlly every few hours. I didn't care for her meddling. There was a line of different bottled waters on a shelf that were the sponsors' products. I liked a kind called "choose." It was a sparkling mineral water and pretty tasty. I hated it there though. Everything was decorated white and moderny. You could only have so many items that you could bring there and buy while on the show. Everything had a point system too. Like certain items were worth a certain amount of "points" that would all add up to your limit.
The group competing was pretty boring.
We just sat around. They hardly talked. It must have been lame to be watching the show. I didn't like being bored. I was trying to think of things to do for better ratings. I started making up games and projects to do, but every time it would start getting good the mean lady would interrupt. The first day was so horrible that I decided that I would leave. The $2.00 and free rent wasn't that important compared to my happiness. I just hated being confined to that house!
We all went to some convenience store for the show--some project or competition or some lame reality thingy. It was near a church that had beautiful operas and amazing architecture and huge statues of wiccan goddesses and saints. The city was old, cold, and built of many stones and plants. It was strange to be in such a beautiful city yet stuck on an ugly show. I was determined to fly the coop.
We were all given 2 points worth to spend at the store while there. Since I was "new" on the show, I had tons of points still. I got a "choose" water and a fig newton bar. I don't usually like
fig bars, but for some reason it sounded pretty good and healthy.
Then I told my friend I was outta there.
I took off out the front door and didn't look back.
I had a whole city to explore!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ocean Stones and New York Pears

First I was at my childhood home in Sacramento. My dad had converted the garage into an art studio which sat nestled within the back yard garden and patio. As I approached it I knew it was not real, simply because we haven't lived there for 8 years or so. Regardless, I entered and it was exactly as I remembered it: bright, tidy, decorated with strange objects, filled with tools and art supplies, and showcasing his latest works. Only I knew in the dream that my father was dead. So I was there to collect the belongings of his that I wished to be mine. I found three strange doll-like heads, a couple sentimental christmas decorations, a few scraps of his drawings, and an amazing collection of stones. The stones were collected because they all looked like the ocean, the way it meets the shore. There were deep blues that faded into lighted sea greens, then a patch of foamy white lapped against a dusty sand color. They were all a little different, but were all beautiful, smooth, and tranquil. One even looked like a view from outer space at the vast blue ocean and the dark green continents. One was too abstract for me to discern, but I knew that it represented the ocean for my dad wouldn't have collected it if it didn't. I put rollerskates on and dashed away onto a smooth paved road on a college campus where some geeky guy tried to "walk me" to my destination. I skated to a remote area, thanked him, then took off in the direction I wished to go in.
Next I was in New York where Trevor and I had just moved. He was driving me somewhere with all my bags packed. I was on the phone with my sister telling her I was taking a boat to Rome. She asked how I could afford it and I said it would only cost $18 because I recently took a boat to Canada--some place called Ohknov, or something like that-- which only cost $18. It dawned on me that Rome would probably cost a lot more and that I really didn't have the money to travel anyway, so I asked Trevor to turn around. He was irritated, but did it. I announced that I would take the subway downtown instead, since I had never taken the subway downtown. That sounded like a better thing to do that day anyway. I was a bit tired. We parked the car in some neighborhood and began to walk to the subway station. Along our walk I saw a house that looked familiar.
Inside the house were two ladies whom we had known back in San Francisco or Sacramento. They were sweet. They were people I didn't really want to hang out with all the time, but it was nice to see them still. Their house had ochre walls and dark wood trim. It was a real house, not a tiny apartment. I liked it. They had a small tree growing right beside where we talked that caught my eye: a bonsai pear tree with gigantic ripe juicy pears hanging ready to pick. I inquired and they allowed me to pick one. I chose one not too big and not too small. I sliced it so we could all taste it. It was overall pretty sweet and juicy, but there were moments of mashiness. Trevor ate a huge chunk and smiled.
Next we were sitting on the ladies' couch with some guys I used to be friends with from Sacramento. One of them I used to date, the other was just an old friend. The one I used to date was an amazing artist who had recently become a born-again Christian and had gotten married. He looked about 13 for some reason. I asked how his art was going and he said he had stopped it all. He showed me the last piece he made: pinks and reds with white contour drawings of couples fucking, with a small photograph of his naked new wife with her enormous tits. I told him it was weird and especially strange since he's all born-again now. He shrugged it off. I left.
I was then on a bus talking to him on the phone. He kept on wanting to "get back together again" and I kept on saying "no way, Jose." When I explained that I had a boyfriend now and that it was creepy that he's all born-again, married, and not doing art anymore, I realized that the phone had cut out and he didn't hear any of it. Oh well. I got off the bus and simultaneously bumped into Trevor who was backing up in the car. He smiled and I hopped in. It was amazing timing. And as I buckled my seatbelt I realized that we didn't live in New York; we lived in San Francisco, so the "subway downtown" idea was out. Then I was excited to just go home.
Lastly, we went to a barbeque of sorts at night, on a street corner. Everyone was there. And for some reason everyone had huge bags of Doritos. I snacked on all the different flavors. That guy I used to date showed up and I was trying to get rid of him, but he kept wanting to talk about "us." I was annoyed. I took off quickly and found Trevor again. He was standing against a chain-link fence eating "Nacho Cheese" ones. A tan, smooth, belly-full, gay naked man with shades on took a place right next to Trevor. Trevor smiled and fed him a Dorito. The man smiled and opened wide again for another one. Trevor fed him another one. Then he fed Trevor one. Then Trevor pulled out another one to which they both bit down on the same Dorito. We all laughed. It was funny. John Baez showed up with the largest bag of "Cool Ranch" Doritos I had ever seen. He had torn into it and offered me some. I reached in and they tasted so good. Then I woke up.

Jesus Reincarnate

In my dream last night, I was the daughter of an old rich couple in the late 1950's who lived in a small, planned community. All of the houses were angular, pastels, with large lawns and pools. I met a woman, she turned me into Jesus' reincarnate. I sipped from a blue and golden holy grail goblet and became immoral, magical, and eternal. I stepped out into a large crowd of blue and gold robed holy people and followers who stood in a circle in a gymnasium-type room while I glided around them holding up the grail. I felt like Jesus, I mean I really felt like I contained his soul and his spiritual vision. They all treated me as such. I began silently blessing the people of the neighborhood, while remaining incognito with who I was. My parents fell back in love and were more kind than I had ever remembered. But it was a lot of work, more than I could handle. I felt the weight of the world upon me. And, while it was nice to possess a magical and holy spirit, the cost was far too high. I met with the woman again, in front of a rose-lined sidewalk, and I gave her back the essence which had made me Jesus. I was sad to give up my immortality, but I knew it was the right thing to do. And besides, I had done a lot of good while I had the power, and that felt like it had been enough. And also, deep down, I knew that even though I had technically given up the immortal life, I was still gifted with a blessed life that would outlive many others because I had sipped from the holy grail and healed so many people. So I guess I was still kinda immortal. Then I woke up. Thirsty.

Long Walk Into Hippieville

Dreamt that I walked all the way from Sacramento to Auburn, or was it Folsom, or was it Placerville--I forget. It was a long walk. I brought Trevor's parents along with me. When we got there it was like the French Quarter of New Orleans, small alleyways with little shops, cute little houses, restaurants, and even a couple of blocks of Chinatown that all intersected at where we stood. After poking around a bit, me and two other people--not the parents--continued our walk. We started hiking up into the hills. There was a trail made of smooth pink glass-like rock, almost as if the trail had been moulded by a hose of extreme heat or sculpted by Gaudi. We went past a few little towns in this way, until we reached a place that looked like New Mexico. It was a small hippie commune with a few shops and lodging. I met some people there that reminded me of all the new agers I used to hang out with when I lived in Sacramento. I liked that about this place. People with magical eyes would look deep into your soul and know your goodness intuitively. They took me in and I stayed in a dorm-looking room for almost two days. All of the food places were vegan/raw type places, even the coffee shop was raw somehow. A girl with glowing green eyes took me to a place that made everything out of yams. It was delicious actually. I had rice with yams, and yam fries. After that town, we went further up into the hills into a place that was lush and tropical. I was with only one older woman now who knew someone who lived up here. We found a wooden gate and entered. We went up and up through little decks with eclectic mixtures of potted plants, towels, sun umbrellas, chairs, more potted plants, wind chimes, clay sculptures, each level was the same sort of catalogue but arranged differently--but in a very livable way. We finally approached a wooden patched shack that resembled a yurt. A large woman was there, and suddenly Trevor's parents were back with us. The woman offered us candy. We said yes, unaware that she was giving us edible doll candy from the 60's that had dirt all over it. We scraped the dirt off, bit into the head, then discarded the rest. Me and Trevor's dad were disappointed because we were hungry after all our walking. They left and the large woman was suddenly beautiful, like an aged hippie with long silver hair in braids and wearing flowing clothes with birkenstocks. She had a daughter that was very sweet and pretty, unaware of how noticeably hippie and natural her home was. We had tea with her and looked out onto the lush green landscape and all of its flowers. Then it was time to go and it was just me. I made my way down the maze of decks, tiptoeing around the pots and towels and chairs, past an outdoor shower with the little girl's flip flops beside it. I kept on descending until I reached the gate that lead to the road home. Then I woke up.

The Grocery Farm and Stevie Nicks

I worked in an open-air grocery store that had a giant garden the size of a farm with rows upon rows of different types of plants and flowers. Some plants were in pots, some in the soil, and some were separated into small indoor greenhouses. There were a lot of workers on the grocery farm, and I worked with my uncle Jerry watering all the plants. It was my first day on that job, but I had had so much experience with plants that people were really excited to have me and trusted my work. I basically just constantly alternated between filling up watering cans and scouting out new areas where plants were dry as a bone, thus quenching their thirst. There were tons of strange exotic plants I had never seen before, and plenty of old favorites. It was very satisfying to know that every single plant on the grocery-farm was watered. During the day I had realized it was a Saturday and I wasn't required to be there that day, but I didn't care because I liked the work so much. Towards the end of the dream I was over in the vegetable/cacti/bonsai/strange unidentifiable plant area. While I watered those I overheard some old farmers talking about how I kicked ass at my work. That made me feel good. At the edges of the farm there was this quaint little country road where a cottage sat nestled next to a giant tree that had autumn leaves all about it. There were a lot of people going in and out of the cottage and I found out that it was a Pot Club. And then across the way, beyond the farm, there was a big crowd of people waiting to hear a concert that had been put off, rescheduled, put off again, and rescheduled for the afternoon. It was Fleetwood Mac that was to play, and Stevie Nicks had been flaking a lot. Then all of a sudden I walked over there; there were all these booths set up--some were advice booths, some were selling stuff like tamales and jewelry. All of a sudden I was Stevie Nicks and I had finally arrived to perform my songs. There weren't very many people left in the crowd because they had all grown impatient. But there were some, and they cheered when I took to the microphone. I apologized for all the craziness, and then started to sing. I sang their favorite song first... although I can't remember what it was. I sang all of her songs, even old forgotten songs like "Landslide." In the middle of the set I was greeted by one of Stevie Nicks' old boyfriends. He was all old and scruffy, but their love was still strong. We french-kissed and decided to get back together. His new girlfriend wasn't too pleased, but we didn't care. He dropped a music-sheet with a love poem on it, and I knew we'd be happy together and we'd get our life back together. Then I finished singing and people cheered. It was a good day.

Warm Purple Field

we were then at our old nextdoor neighbor's house.
she was an old woman with white hair, her husband had already died.
the house was perfect and beautiful and simple.
the house faced a large upsloped plot of land
with a couple of magical trees and a field of purple iris' and wildflowers.
my sister and i stood in the middle of the field, just taking in
the beauty. the trees were covered in springtime leaves, with shades of green and red dancing in the sun.
on top of the hill there was one tree; old and without leaves.
there was a whole in the trunk, a perfect circle that allowed me to see through to the other side, a sky blue and pink.
i felt warm and at peace.

Fluid Farmscape

there was an aerial view of a large vast landscape. and suddenly, as if flood gates had been opened, the landscape became filled with rushing herds of human societal creations. let me explain, instead of rushing water over the landscape there were rushing buildings, roads, farms, animals, houses, gliding fastly over the soil and dropping in their places as they went. like when you pour wood stain over a plank the last drop settles the farthest away, leaving a trail of fully soaked in wood behind. a city such as manhattan was dropped off, and lastly out in the rural area a farm with a small pond and a house nestled at its edge. i was a resident in this house. i was a man. i had a wife and two daughters. somehow one day one or both of them wandered off and discovered some secret about the land and way of life, like perhaps they knew it was a strange place. we had to get them back and look them in the eyes, mouthing something undiscernable, to snap them back into our life. we did. the house was old, falling apart, but cozy. we had a maple tree outside that was changing colors, dropping leaves. we soon had neighbors, many, and roads. then one day, everything changed. we stepped outside, about to go on a long vacation-like journey when the landscape was changing before our very eyes: like a vacuum, sucking up the pieces on a carpet, all the animals and old farms were being taken away. in their place were troves of cars and metal and industry and high-tech newness. sweeping across our land was the next phase in the timeline of humanism. and there was the maple tree, changing colors, leaves gathered at its base.

Haunted Kitties

was on a camping trip. it was very cold. our city of tents were insulated. i found four kittens in my tent. they were so small. i put them in my apron pocket. we had some creature attempt to invade our tent, but only because we were in a spot that we weren't supposed to be; next to giant pink flowers with monkeys on them. there was a large house. all the parents were inside. i walked in with my little kittens and people thought they were cute. there was a gray one, white one, tan one, and red one that i called rusty. then we were living in the house, i always had to keep an eye on the kittens and my mao. all these annoying kids lived there, like a punk house, and it was dirty. at some point we had to leave right away because bad people were coming. we had to leave via the fire escape. i had to collect my favorite t-shirts and jeans, and all five of my cats, and get out. trevor and i left that scene and moved far away to the south. we bought a gigantic 20 bedroom mansion that was haunted. the attic was our favorite. it had so much light, wood, and details. there was a small wooden disc that was removed to show the floor beneath us, i quickly found the lid and covered it back up. the other rooms were still furnished and quite spooky; lots of lace, dolls, that kind of thing. the walls were dirty, torn, stained light torquiose green. There was a great hall area with an indoor water pond area. there were many steps that lead to the entrance of the house. we were so excited to have a place of our own. kelly was there and so was lathan, perhaps they could stay with us. all of a sudden people from the old scene started to pull up and visit us. we were upset that they found us. then tons of people started showing up, and vendors selling food and drinks, and all sorts of partygoers showed up. we were so mad and frustrated. while trevor and kelly and lathan were upstairs checking out all the rooms, i was in the main hall yelling at everyone to leave. yelling at them to leave. yelling at them to leave. telling them they were not invited and had to pack up and go home right now. right now. right now. i had to make constant rounds to get people to leave. after awhile, a third of the people were left. i called the cops. they started to help. one asshole guys wouldn't leave. he began swimming in the water area. i was so mad. two girls dressed in victorian gowns shot each other. i knew that the large crowd would eventually lead to violence. finally people began leaving. the cops helped. they tear gassed. haha. it was interesting that as the dream progressed the house became larger and larger, and the crowd became larger and larger too. and by the end of the dream the kittens were no longer an issue.

Mafia VS Mormon

Dreamt last night that my family was in the mafia. My husband and I were deeply involved and could not get out of it without terrible results. The only way to get excused from the mafia was to become a devout Mormon. So I began scheming. The head-guy's son was a Mormon. He hung around the lair, but was not part of the mafia. I hooked up with him and told him I was curious about God and was considering becoming a Mormon. He was elated. He began teaching me, testing me, and showing me the way of the Mormon--which was somehow similar to Hinduism? Strange. He gave me a sister-Mormon to be my buddy. We always had to enter our worship room with bare feet. Then we had to do prayers and movements on a special rug. All the while I was faking it. But they believed me. My husband announced to the Boss that I was a Mormon. And soon he would be too. Thus began our escape from the mafia.

Magical Serum on Horseback

There were two little girls-- one older than the other, a dog, and a cat. With them I was riding on horseback. The older girl was dying; she was not from this planet and needed a special syrum to survive. We rode to a large mountain upon which a structure stood. I left my caravan at the bottom and ventured upwards. The structure was set up like an ancient Greek gallery where columns stood and fire-lights burned dim and mysterious. There was almost a "quest for the holy grail" vibe in this sanctuary. On the walls were five large paintings, or so, which depicted various heroic scenes. The figures within the painting moved, sort of like Harry Potter paintings. I chose the scene at the far left, beneath which there protruded a tap that resembled a bathtub water nozzle. I turned it and proceeded to fill a bottle with syrum. I had only filled a third of the bottle when a man who emitted a knightly persona told me that I could not have any syrum. I tried to reason with him but he was stubborn. At that point I pushed him down and ran. I quickly scaled down the mountain and gathered my travelling companions onto the horse and we rode away. We rode for a long time. We stopped at a modern house where an asian woman sat with her three kids who immediately wanted to play with my two girls. The woman's husband assured us we were safe and offered to give us a ride to where we needed to go, which would have taken us a half hour. I refused and stood by my horseback transportation. We soon left and rode off into the nightfall of the forest.

Sea Lion Babies and Shower Genies

I was friends with the Spice Girls. I met up with them at a rehearsal and saw them perform. They were great, I remember thinking...although I cannot recall what they sounded like. Next thing I know, I was on my way to have coffee with an ex-boyfriend, when I got side-tracked and checked out an old furniture store. Once inside, I found the mecca of vintage lamps and dressers. There were almost too many to choose from! Claire was there, she was scoping out the goods long before I got there. I wandered around and browsed at all the rare books and records just packed into the place. The store seemed to go on forever and ever. In the way back of the place there was a giant room filled with marine life pools and labratories. There were giant vats of "starter life," which included salt water with tiny fish and microscopic organisms. All you had to do was mix the starter life with handfuls of creatures and bacterias from various tubs nearby. My mom was there. She had mixed a handful of squirming worms, centipedes, and corn into hers. It grew into a crazy mixture of life. When she added the mixture to my starter life, the creatures ate everything and there was nothing left, not even water! So I made another batch without all the worms and stuff and after awhile some pretty little fishes developed. And suddenly tons and tons of seals and sea lions emerged! They were my babies, kinda. They wanted to suckle. I almost offered them my breast, but then someone handed me a fake nipple and they went at it. One was the biggest and it really liked me. I left for a bit and when I returned I saw that their tank was low on water, so I had to keep filling it up. I left again and when I came back the tank was broken. Some had died without the water. But some survived. I quickly transported the survivors to a large tank with small fish to eat and they were happy. Next I was in a great hall, still part of the same building, with tons of women. They were all there to be massaged until they had orgasms. Angelic women in white tunics would call their name, one by one, and whisk them away into a room and they would be massaged. One girl's was over very quickly, another's took a while. Some men were there, and they were whisked away too! One woman was there with a pregnant belly, but when I got closer I saw that it was an intertube with water inside that contained some of my seals and sea lion babies. I thought it was strange, but I shrugged and told her to put the oldest one in its own tank. The lady wasn't ready to take it out of her intertube. Oh well, I thought. There were five lines of people in the room, separate from the people about to be massaged. They were all waiting to see something that looked like a shower head. You could ask it for something, anything, like a genie in a bottle, and it would grant it to you. A small woman I knew was unhappy in her marriage because her husband was a drag queen, but they still liked each other. I went with her to the shower head, like she was a child, and I helped her ask the thing if she could please meet someone new but still keep a relationship with her drag queen husband. A shower of water sprayed on her and that's how we know it was granted. A minute later she bumped into some guy and they instantly hit it off and left the place together. Wow, I thought and was happy for her. Then I sat back down and watched the intertube lady. Then I woke up.

Mexican Taqueria

i was in mexico. ate at a ecclectic taqueria with karen and mom. there were christmas lights, neon beer signs, a tv, various plants and wall-decor, and a small counter where you order. i was figuring out how to order enchiladas and chips/salsa in spanish. i said "wret jaffir" which asked for more mild salsa and chips. then i was in a corridor where we were staying. it looked like peru. it was open-air and looked out onto a small village below a large mountain. an ocean was to the right. there were a lot of trees and green lushness.
then i was with professor lunine. we were crossing the street. he had a briefcase with him. he said that we should go get a burrito. we went back to the same taqueria. he stopped at the bar counter inside and asked to buy some smokes.
then i was in turkey. birmingham, turkey. there was a pasture. i was herding cattle in israel. the pastures blended near the borders of italy and egypt. there was a sacred site where pyramids once stood. it was smooth white stone and a fountain was there. it was near a strange old tree.

Mud Monsters and Celebrities Eat Pasta

i was in another city-- cold and perhaps in the scandinavian countries. there were deep mountains and forests. or was it summer? it was at least overcast and thick aired. there was a hotel. i had to get to it. there were large golem-like mud monsters out there, and especially Inside of the hotel where my people were. I got in. There was some pandemonium. The monsters spotted me and were chasing me. There weren't scaly and ugly, rather smooth, angular, round, almost like sculptures with big round black puppy eyes. But they were frightening and ruthless. They were also not that smart, but could sense where I was. I ran into a large large warehouse size library. It was like a maze in there so I thought I could lose them. I hid ontop of a book shelf. It found me and tried to knock it down. I got off it and ran through the book maze. I guess I finally lost them.
Because I went upstairs to find that I was having sex talks with Samantha of Sex and the City. We were getting along great. There was this young man, really really sexy. I think we messed around, but I don't remember. Me and Samantha were almost one person. Then she had to go Act. I was on the set, behind the scenes. I was then hanging out with Charlotte. We were the best of friends. Laughing, watching her put on her makeup at her vanity in her dressing room. Were we friends or was I there because I won some contest to hang out with them for a day? Unsure. Then I was with Carrie. She asked my opinion about a hat. I chose one that she didn't like as much. The stylist agreed with Me. We all walked out to where they were shooting. It was in a subway. Steps lead downstairs to the platform. I wasn't allowed down. But she went, wearing the hat I had picked. I caught a glimpse of myself-- I looked horrible. I was back to the short brown hair, no make-up, weird outfit. I felt suddenly not so close to those celebrities.
I was next in the wilderness. With a group of people, on an island. We had to hike to a secret town called Kulapa or something similar. We tried to hike there, but couldn't find it. But then I was with a different group of people and we tried again. Once we found the trail head, we were in a canopy of trees in the middle of the island. It was cut and clear. There were a dozen of trails stemming off of one trail-- the trail that lead to Kulapa. We took it with confidence. It said to take it for 1 mile. We did. It ended at a clearing that looked like we were in the country side. Sylvia was there, doing my tiny little roots blonde again. There was food, people talking, little structures here and there. And I think at some point I saw a cable car go by. We had perhaps taken a long route to a supposed "secret" spot that was perhaps closer to our lives than we thought. Not so secret. But perhaps overlooked?
Then I was at dinner with a woman. She was an unhappily married woman. We were discussing new ways of sewing my bags so that the sides wouldn't fray. I had dark tiny-floral patterned fabrics. We were ordering. We sipped lemonade while our food was getting cooked. We changed tables to seat her husband and another younger woman. It was almost Victorian times, yet not because we were ordering italian food and pasta from a restaurant. I had bread, garlic bread, pasta pomodoro with no meat because the only meat they had was in a can and beef! And I think I ordered a small salad and a dessert. The younger woman next to me was paying for it. I felt overwhelmed by food and couldn't chew it all fast enough. Then older unhappy woman was getting mad at me because me and her husband got along better than they did. He was helping me with my sewing. I had a handful of sewing pins and was pinning the sides of the future bag pattern. It was almost as big as the table! He was enthusiastic. The woman left. Food was coming out soon. I was still chewing the appetizer bread. I was almost too fed with food.

Penguin Afterlife

i was deceased
well not really
but was allowed to follow the deceased
we were headed towards a place like harlem
where all the houses were like rows of doors
up little steps
narrow and squished
but it had been overrun
by gardens and nature
at house number 1250
at the old woman's house
who never woke up
nor left her bedroom where her tv droned quietly
flickering on her comotose face
that was were the portal was
the portal to the after life
the only place where a person like me,
alive, could enter
i was with a male and a female transient being
upon entering the first thing i noticed
was the building that housed the new coming
deceased beings, it was made of metal
all stainless steel interior
billions of stories high i am sure
for each level housed all the deceased
from each species
there was a floor just for humans,
just for aliens, and just for penguins.
this is where i was to go.
there was a giant cold water pool made
specially for them to make them feel more
at home, more alive
it was here i met my destiny in a way.
i called out to it. a him or a her, i am not sure.
but we shall say He for now.
he called back to me in a language i quickly picked up
and mastered, a sort of telepathic whisper.
the penguin leaped out from beneath the pool
and into my arms
time stopped.
it was as if i was at last complete.
all i had ever missed or searched for
was retrieved.
my child, i thought.
my soul, i thought.
my everything of goodness.
this creature made me feel better than
anything i had ever experienced my whole life.
so we sat there
catching up
hugging, cuddling, dancing.
smiling and just feeling the goodness.
everything was wonderful.
but i knew i could not stay.
for i was not deceased.
it was not my place.
and oddly it was not the penguins place either,
but somehow it was just okay to find him there.
i returned several times.
always calling out to him
and feeling totally elated once he was in my arms.
my child, my dearest creature.
upon the last time i remember visiting the penguin
the three of us entered the old woman's house
as we were in her old creaky living room,
she stirred. she awoke.
and we froze in our positions.
what if she saw us??
but she couldn't, for we were dead... but i wasn't,
only masked by the power of the beings i was with.
i held a watering can, and as she crept into the room,
i gently let it down.
she saw it move.
she stood, as if at a seyonce, and called out to us
that she knew beings were here
and she could feel us
and what did we want
the male quickly threw up a big blue glowing square
that he called the blue tooth
it was the regular portal into the after life
we jumped in
this was not the portal that allowed non deceased in
this was the usual portal for all new coming souls.
the two beings made a distraction
so the guards that stood solid by the gates that resembled
a subway terminal, could be distracted
i crept past, a silent alarm went off that someone non deceased
was entering, but it was too late, i was in.
i rushed to the penguin floor
and found my darling.
there we were together and swimming in love.
but he grew quiet, almost non tangible.
perhaps moving on to the next plane.
so i left
and i saw all the floors of the afterlife,
particularly interested in the alien floor, for many
strange creatures were gathering there...
who and what the penguin was, i shall never know,
but i will always love him and cherish what we had.